13.) My Downey Daze.

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7:17 AM

I've been up since around six this morning. Downey and I stayed up past, 1:00 AM, drinking beer and Downey decided to make some, 'fancy' drinks.. One including, an 'Old Fashioned Manhattan.' I got hammered, especially after he brought bourbon into our little party. Downey definitely got his buzz-a-roo on, too. An ecstatically fun evening. It was filled with laughter, alcohol, dancing, and kisses... However, we still have yet to have our lips meet, in a real kiss...

I am awaiting that with pleasure. Just thinking of that; makes me inpatient. I wanted his luscious red lips against mine... How much longer do I have to wait?

On the other hand, I do not want to rush anything. Whatever happens shall happen, in the right moment.

I'm surprised I awoke so early this morning, that being said, I feel refreshed and ready for the day. That is a rarity for me to be up early and feel refreshed...

Was it my Downey frenzy making me feel this good? I felt like I should feel guilty for being so happy with him.

I am sitting in the backyard, on the edge of Downey's radiant pool, my legs dangling in the lukewarm water.. For it being winter, the water sure was warm.

As the sun was starting to rise, I could see the strikingly divine view from, Downey's backyard. His house was sitting up on a hill, so like I said, the view was divine. I could see the ocean twinkling from the sun shining through it. I also saw the whole city underneath me. An admirale place to see the sunrise and probably the sunset, however, I have yet to see the sunset here. We came back too late yesterday to see that.

I was spellbound by this view, glaring at the ocean, city, sunrise, and feeling the lukewarm pool water swirl around my legs, ankles, and feet. I guess I was so spellbound by all of this, I didn't hear the sliding glass doors, open and close, as Robert had awoken, to come out to join me in this admirable moment in time.

"Good morning, my sunshine." Downey yawns, while placing a seat right behind me. He slid his legs against mine, putting his feet in the water, as well. He grasped his arms around my back, holding his hands together, resting them on my crotch. I then quickly realize, I never put on any sweatpants before coming outside. I was sitting there, with Downey spooning me from behind, in my white and black lace cheeky panties, and a Metallica shirt, Downey let me sleep in.. I pretty much swim in the shirt, which made it even more comfy. The shirt hangs down almost reaching my knees, a little further than my thighs, but higher than my knees. Somewhere in between.. I guess I am pretty short, though. (around 5'2.)

I just am thankful that I have something  cute for him to look at.

"Good morning, ha.. I mean, sexy." I corrected myself before I said, 'handsome', since that was for, "old dudes", Downey  pointed that out to me yesterday. I giggle to myself thinking of that.

"You bet your sweet ass, I'm sexy." Downey sleepily says, trying to be his cocky self, while he clings his arms even tighter around my tummy. I now am feeling incredibly delightful, myself, if I may say so, especially with Downey's firm grip he has on me, the way he's clinging on to my body. I could feel his warmth from his bare chest radiating onto my back... Sparkling into my heart... Ahhh, yes. This angelic feeling. I bite my lip, glowing a smile...

 I try to live in this exact moment and feel everything it had to offer to me, to, us.....

Right now.
Live in the moment.
Live in the moment with Downey.
Yes, yes, yes. That's all I desired for now.
This moment.
Downey and me.
Together with this sight;

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