41.) I Love You.

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I crept around the corner to see Downey wrestling with James for the gun in James' hand. The gun had gone off again. The bullet flew to the carpet, and the blow of the gun rang in my eardrums, causing the heart beat in my temple to rush with even more force.

I scanned Downey quickly to see if he had got shot or even grazed by a bullet, but there seem to be no signs of anything, thank god. I've never been so relieved in my life to know Downey hadn't been hit... At least not yet and I had to stop James before anything else could happen to him.

"Stop, James!" I ordered, gripping on to the small gun in my hand and pointing it straight at James.

"Stop or I'll shoot, I swear." I sternly repeated, shouting until my throat was strained from all the screaming.

My voice had caused James to jump, and fire the gun off once more up through the ceiling this time. Downey quickly threw a fierce punch at James, and Downey had grabbed the gun right out of James' hand, before I could even take a breath. Downey, also was now pointing it directly at James too.

"Scarlett, hand the gun over before you get hurt. You're too much of a p*ssy to be holding that!" James hissed.

Downey socked him once more in the jaw and James immediately fell to the floor. His eyes fluttered quickly and then finally shut. I think he fell unconscious for the time being.

"Downey, are you okay?" I asked, still clutching on to the weapon.

"Scarlett!" Downey shouted running towards me, and hugged me tightly.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?" Downey asked with water in his eyes, as he slowly glanced at my body up and down, searching for any traces of blood or wounds.

Downey grazed his fingers over my wrist, where my mom had accidentally gashed me with that key. It only looked like a cat scratch, but a tad bit deeper than that. Nothing to worry about that's for sure. Downey kissed my wrist over and over.

"I'm okay..." I whimpered and my whole body began to tremble, or maybe I was trembling this entire time and only just now realizing it.

"Thank God.... Baby, I'm so sorry." Downey whispered in my ear, embracing me snuggly into his chest... Where I finally felt safe. Nothing can hurt me now...

"I l-love you!" I cried into his chest.

Downey kissed the top of my forehead and said the words I had longed to hear.

"I love you, Scarlett. So much."

"I'm never letting you go ever again." Downey told me, and then placed his chin on top of my head, squeezing me into him even more so.

"I'm sorry I left you... I'm so sorry baby." Downey kissed me on the top of my head again, and then grabbed the gun from my limp hand.

"Is he awake?" I asked, pointing to James.

"I don't know. But I'm calling the cops. Where's your mom?" Downey asked, after we both had released our grip on one another. He grabbed a phone off the kitchen counter with his eyes fixed on James.

He looked unconscious lying there. But I kept my eyes on him too... Just in case.

"She's okay. She needs to get to the hospital though. Asap."

"What about Jamie?" Downey asked after he lifted the phone to his ear.

"My mom's dealing with her... She wasn't too great a few seconds ago."

"I am fine and Jamie is fine too, but she will need to get to the hospital." I hear my mom's voice from behind me.

I took a step back and glanced at my mom taking small limping steps through the hallway and just entering the kitchen.
She looked as if she had just been in a war... And I guess this would qualify as some type of war.... A family war.

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