38.) How Do I Love Thee?

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Has it been a few days, a few weeks, a month? I'm not so sure... It couldn't have been more than a month. All these days have passed by quickly. I've began not to dwell on Jamie appearing again. Trust me, I do think and think about her from time to time. There is usually not a day when I don't think of her. However, I've come to the conclusion that this is all over. I've shut the case closed in my mind; it's over to me.

Downey has been keeping busy and making sure all of his attention is on me. We've been going out to dinner, to the movies, out dancing... We've been having a blast together. I love being with him. I don't know what I'd do without him, as I've said over and over again. Downey and I rarely ever mention the case. Occasionally it's brought up, but we don't really speak of it to the full extent. Neither of us are pretending it never happened, but we just don't feel the need to dwell on it anymore. It's for the best.

Perry's still working on it but he's not working hard, because, well, there's not much to really work hard on now that the lead suspect is no where to be found. Downey and Perry have done quite a few stake outs, across the street from Jamie's home. But, no trace or sign of either Jamie or James. So, there's nothing else to do. It's time for us all to wait, or to give up... Downey will never give up though.

"Your phone's ringing, hon." I hear Downey tell me. I've been so lost in my thoughts today, I'm probably coming off as distant.

"Oh, man... My thoughts are taking me away. I didn't even hear it. Thanks Downey." I briefly smile, shaking my head slowly. Trying to come out of my daze and not let my mind go completely out of control.

"I know, love bug. I've been talking to you for a few minutes and your eyes seemed glazed over..." Downey trails off.

He's working behind the TV in the living room connecting a new Blu Ray player to it. Downey gets off his knees and walks over towards me, kneeling back down on his knee in front of the couch making eye contact with me.

"Sweetie, would ya like to watch a flick? Or we could go downtown and window shop... Or actually go into a shop and buy you some heels?" Downey smiles sweetly at me, wiggling his brows when he mentioned buying me some heels.

I softly giggle but shake my head. "No... We've been going out every day. Let's take a day off, my sweet, sweet, Downey..." I caress his face and plant my lips in the middle of his eyebrows.

"Thank you though... You are too kind to me." I add after releasing my lips from his warm skin.

"No to heels? Maybe we need to check you into the hospital.. Somethin ain't right!" Downey declares, jumping back up on his feet with his mouth agape in shock. (a silly look of shock.)

"Buy me some sexy red stilettos tomorrow. How about that?" I giggle at Downey's reaction to saying no to heels.

"Oh, thank God.. You are okay!" Downey lifts both of his arms in the air with glory.

I glance up at Downey and my smile grows even more at his adorable smirk.

"Wait a minute..." I shake my head, giggling. "You have your eyes on a new pair of shoes you want, don't you?!" I point my finger at Downey, chuckling away.

Downey moves over and slides on the couch next to me, and he starts to bite his bottom lip with his brow raised.

"Can't a guy just want to take his lady out and buy her something nice?" Downey shrugs and shakes his head slowly back and forth.

"Yes, I'm sure you want to buy me something real nice, Downey. However, I know you too well." I giggle. "I saw you looking at those new shoes online a few nights ago."

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