10.) I Want You...

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I'm grasping the tiny bag of pills in the palm of my sweaty hand, ever so tight, contemplating on what to do.

Get rid of them, Scarlett. Not only for yourself, but for your dad. I think to myself. I then hear footsteps coming up the stairs..

I jolt to the bathroom. I dump out every single pill into the toilet and flush the fuckers down, tossing the plastic bag into the trash, beside the toilet.

I'm hovering over the toilet, my hands violently shaking, my body trembling.

They're gone.. Gone.

"Everything okay?" Robert asks, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, sliding his sun glasses down the bridge of his nose, resting one finger on his shades, revealing his dazzling eyes.

I couldn't say anything.. My mind was just in 'pause' mode, if that's even a thing. I don't know what made me do this at this moment in time..  It's as if I wasn't even in control of my own body... I run towards Robert and leap into his arms... "Dirty Dancing" style

Robert even pulled me up, like Swayze had pulled, "baby" up. Holy fuck.. It couldn't of happened more spectacular if we had planned it.

Robert had me up in the air for what felt like at least an hour, when in reality, less than one minute. Robert lowered me down, enfloding me close to his toasty warm body. My legs locked around his waist, my arm around his neck, his arms holding me snug around my lower back, one hand gently resting on my ass.

Our gazes and bodies lock in place, our bodies intertwining, fitting together like two perfect puzzle pieces.

This was like a fantasy every girl has dreamed of and it was actually happening to me.

"I'm so glad to see you." I whisper. It just came out of my lips, I wasn't expecting myself to say that... Although, that's all I could say, it's exactly how I felt.

"I know, I know, I'm thrilling to see, but I could have swore I saw you less the ten minutes ago.. Wait, do I have amnesia?! What century is it?!" Robert jokingly exclaims, making an adorably shocked face, with a hint of his charming smile that he had been hiding.

"Shhh... No jokes right now. Even though I adore them..." I trail off.. Not really even knowing what I'm even saying as the words come out of my mouth.

Robert smile slowly vanishes... Revealing an aroused expression, so very steamy. His sun glasses, completely slid down to the tip of his nose, exposing his eyes, batting with affection.. Those amber eyes burning with desire, as they sparkled I could see that swirling hint of a cinnamon color shining through his angelic eyes.

I could feel Robert's lower body tighten up right where my crotch was resting on his lower abdomen.
Was he getting aroused? I sure know I was. It felt wrong though, not us, but more so the timing. I couldn't feel this way right now. I wanted him bad, don't get me wrong..  But, at this time it just.. wasn't.. right. I am grieving, I'm confused, I'm on an emotional roller coaster of sadness from my father, and highly turned on by Robert. These were such odd feelings to come at the same time. I didn't want to tease, Robert.. Hell, I didn't even wanna tease myself. Did Downey even want me?

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