39.) Help Me.

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A wave of dread had crashed through me as Downey slowly drove into my father's driveway. I hadn't realized what an impact it would be on me to see his house again... The last time I came here to this small home was almost two years now... The dark blue paint on the house was now faded and more of a dark gray than a blue. Weeds had taken over his yard. Leaving only dead plants and a brown yard where light green grass used to be. It looked terrible and something inside of me was telling me something wasn't right... That I shouldn't be here. I tried to push that feeling away but that wrong sense of dread did not want to leave me.

"You don't have to do this, Scar..." Downey whispered.

I didn't realize I was biting my nails to my cuticles until Downey grasped my hands into his.

"This is so weird, Downey... Seeing my dad's house like this. So empty and almost..." I trailed off, not wanting to finish my sentence.

Almost deadly.

"Then let's tell your mother it's not a good day." Downey kissed each tip of my fingers, and I noticed my middle finger nail had started to lightly bleed from when I was biting it.

I never bite my nails. Never.

"No... I need to get this over with." I sighed.

"Okay. But, I am going to stay and help you." Downey replied, pecking the top of my hand and then released them.

"No, no... Downey, really... I'll be fine. Good mother and daughter time, right?" I softly chuckled.

"I'm not going to leave you like this, Scar. I can't -" Downey immediately stopped talking when his phone began to ring.

"It's the one and only..." Downey almost cringed when he looked at his phone.


"Yep. One sec. My phone's about to die anyway. I'll make it brief." Downey winked and brought the phone up to his ear.

I apparently had glazed over again, because I didn't hear a word of what Downey was saying. I had become tangled in my thoughts once again.

Don't let Downey go... A small, faint voice told me in the back of my mind, almost like a gut instinct... But I had quickly forgotten about it. Downey's hand slowly grazed over my cheek, bringing me back out of my thoughts.

"Scarlett? Did you hear me?"

"Uh.. No. Crap, I'm sorry." I spat out.

"My phone just died on Perry, however he does need me at the office. I have to know you are okay first before I go though. I can't leave you like this."

"Downey..." I took a deep breath. "I am okay, really I am. It's just seeing my dad's place again. That's all. Once I get in there and start packing I'm sure I'll feel less... tense." I told him.

Only tense wasn't the word... Terrified was a better word but I didn't need to worry Downey even more than I already have.

I smiled briefly at Downey's gorgeous face that seemed to brighten up when I smiled.

"All right. You are totally and absolutely positive?" Downey asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." I smile and briefly kiss Downey softly on the lips.

"Oh, your lips... I'm great now." I whisper, and giggle underneath my breath.

"My lips, huh?" Downey chuckles in a somehow sexual way.

"I'll show you exactly how my lips can -"

"Downey!" I giggle louder now, pressing my finger on his lips.

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