28.) Intensity.

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"Take a seat... Jamie, is it?" Perry had a welcoming smile on his face, asking Jamie to sit down.

Perry already had a mug of coffee in his right hand, sitting at the dining table.

"Y..y..yes.. Who are you?" Jamie's voice became low and even more jittery.

"You can call me Perry." Perry replied reaching out to skake Jamie's hand.

Jamie's hand began to tremble even more so, when she reached to shake his hand.

"Scarlett, dear. Nice to see you again." Perry grinned.

"You too, Per." I gave a quick smile, and grabbed Downey's hand, pulling him into the other room for a moment, so he could update me on what exactly was happening.

"Downey, is the interview on?" I quietly asked, looking over my shoulder, to see Perry talking to Jamie in the dining area.

They definitely couldn't hear us over here, plus I was talking very quiet.

"Yes.. What the fuck happened outside?" Downey's eyes were fully dilated, looking as if he had five cups of espresso, which I wouldn't doubt.

He has been up all night.

"Honestly, no idea.. I'm clueless.. She told me sorry and then said my mother was taken to the hospital, possibly by James, and then she told me she had taken herself to the hospital... She was frantic the whole time... Speaking quickly and then she tripped over a stepping stone and then shouted like she had been impaled by a rock... She's acting..."

"Suspicious..." Downey finished my thought.

"Yes, exactly.. Downey, I have to go see my mother, though..."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll call Harmony and tell her you're not coming in today."

"Oh my god! Work! Fuck, I totally spaced that.."

"Scarlett, don't worry.. Your mother is much more important at this time.. You know Harmony, she will understand." Downey embraced me, clinging his arms around my back, tightly.

"All will be well..." Downey softly told me, kissing the top of my head.

"But... You may wanna change if your going to see your mom at the hospital." Downey chuckled, as I glance down to see my pj's are definitely not presentable..

"You think so? Isn't it acceptable to show my ass to all the nurses and doctors?" I joke along.

"Unfortunately, they frown upon that... However, you can show that lil' thang to me anytime you'd like." Downey grinned, and kissed me on the forehead, before we both let go of each other.

"Wait, little thing?" I arched my brow.

"Shut the hell up and go get dressed! It's not tiny but it's not huge. Perfect size." Downey chuckles, pushing me along and then smacked me on my ass when I reached the stairs.

"Hey, now mister..." I sassily replied, running back down the stairs to give him a good smooch.

I decided I wouldn't go up the stairs just yet, I sat upon the last stair, trying to eavesdrop on their, "interview."
I wanted, no scratch that, I needed to know what was going on and if Jamie was going to explain to them why she was acting in the way she was.

Plus, I am a very nosy person. Downey is quite fond of calling me, "Nosy Rosey."

"What are you talking about?!" I vaguely could hear a woman's voice.. Which, of course, would be, Jamie...

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