6.) Sunrise Enchantment.

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As Downey leaned into kiss me, I rested my back against the car. Just before our lips met... BAM!


Robert's freaking car alarm went off when I rested my back on the car.

"Ah, fucking.. Little bitch!" Robert shouts.

"Me?!" I exclaim, trying to be heard over the car alarm.

Robert laughs.. "Nah darlin'. The CAR!" he hollered over the car alarm, only the alarm turned off just before finishing his sentence.

"Well, now the whole city knows I was talking about the car." He has rosey cheeks. He was on the other side of the car now -- after turning off the alarm, he was by the driver's door. I was still feeling pretty hot over by the passenger side.

I fanned myself with my hands... Actually thinking that would cool me off. No, it didn't work.

"Okay, so where were we before we got, so rudely interrupted?" Downey asks me, as he licks his lips and raises his left eyebrow. Oh, you tease.

"I don't really remember. You could refresh my memory, though." I ask and couldn't help but have a huge grin appear on my face.

"You little devil, you are!" He pointed his index finger at me. Then he slid his fingers through his hair and it was damn suave the way he did it.

We both stood in the diner's parking lot, at opposite ends of the car in silence. Robert never took his eyes off of mine, though. As he gazed at me for a moment, those dark eyes drew me in, making me feel as if I was floating...

"Alrighty, pretty lady. You have to be tired. Do you want to go home... Or..?"

"Or.. What, Mr. Downey?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You are feeling better, aren't ya? You're getting to be a lil' smart ass......." There was a long silence and I didn't take my eyes off of his.

"I like it." He says, smiling.

"Also, I just won that staring contest. You just blinked! Ha!" He smirks.

"You are a total jackass!" I crack another smile.

"Yeah, yeah... You're just jealous I won!" He comes around the car and opens my door for me. "Enter at your own risk, missy."

Of course I enter...

"I'm all about the risk, Robert." I say teasingly.

Robert and I are again back in the car, and again back on the road -- heading somewhere, when I see the sun almost about to rise.

"Oooh, we'll get there just in time." Downey says.

"Where is that?" I ask.

"I cannot tell you! It's a secret." He puts his index finger on his lips.

"Secret, huh?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Top secret, sweets." He winks.

His eyes widen, as if he just got an idea..

"WAIT!" He shouts and of course I jump..

"Fuck! Downey, you scared me." I squeal.

"Oopsie! Sorry, but close your eyes.... Please." He begs me.

I do as he asks.. About a minute passed and I opened one eye..

"No peaking... Or you will be punished." Downey says in a very captivating voice, especially when he said punished.. Did I want to be punished?... You can guess my answer to that.

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