26.) Love Story.

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My eye lids flickered open to reveal the dark, peaceful, and quiet (besides Downey's breathing and light snores) bedroom. This has been the third time this week, I had woken up from a light sleepless night. At least tonight I had not jerked up from another nightmare. I seem to have tremendously horrible dreams about my father's death lately... However, he is on my mind pretty much most of the time since his death, so it doesn't come to much of a surprise to me that I would be dreaming of him, but the dreams I have are not happy nor beautiful dreams about him... They usually consist of my father's last breath and a lot of blood. Needless to say, they are not sweet dreams. It wasn't the death of him that stayed in my mind, it was more of the thoughts of no closure, and the unknown of what had really happened to him... That's what my mind dwelled on. I was scared to finally find out what truly did happen to him, but at the same time I hope it will finally give me some closure to my late father... Closure is what I really needed.

Downey and Perry had been rather busy the past couple weeks, and even more so during these past three days. Tomorrow, or well, I guess today (since it's most likely early in the morning right now) Perry wants to sit down and talk to me about everything I may know, even though I've told Downey absolutely everything.

Perry just needs to hear you tell him, Scar... I'm sorry you are having to relive your dad's passing over and over, but Perry or myself will get to the bottom of this sooner or later, we have no doubt about that...

Downey's words ran through my mind..

Perry makes contact with my mother on a regular basis, apparently.. She was the one who hired him. Perry is trying to get an interview with Jamie and if she denies him, James is the next on the list.
I'm not precisely sure on what all they have dug about about my father, but their file on him is getting bigger and bigger each day, and Downey looks more beat each day he gets home, which is usually pretty late in the night.

All I know for now is that they are getting closer to cracking the case... I can sense it, I can feel it, and even my dreams are trying to tell me so.

I tossed and turned, trying to find my comfy spot, yet tonight there was absolutely no comfortable spot on this bed for me... Which is very annoying.

I slowly kicked my legs and feet to get the covers off of my clammy body. The weather has been getting warmer every day, but tonight it was terribly hot and somewhat humid..
Downey didn't seem to mind it.. I glanced over at him in the darkness to see his sleeping silhouette.

Downey's peaceful body is curled up on his side, facing me with his blankets pulled up to his neck. He looked so peaceful and extremely cozy, I wanted to jump in the spot where he was and cuddle up with him in his, "comfy spot."

I sighed just looking at how lovely Downey looked, even when he was silent and sleeping.. His chest would slowly move up and then collapse when he softly exhaled.

How can someone be so amazingly handsome even when they are snoozing?
I didn't have an answer, but obviously Downey looked handsome in whatever he was doing...

I gently placed the palm of my hand on the side of his stubbly face. He had shaved only the day before but his hair grew back quickly, already with some whiskers around his cheeks and chin, and some really light hair on his upper lip, I could hardly see.. 
My favorite of his facial hair has to be his stubbles.. He does looks mighty fine with a beard, as well.. But he shaves his face every day, however Downey looks mighty fine clean shaven as well... So, I cannot complain.

Downey didn't even notice the touch on his face... Surprisingly, tonight the Downey touch was not making me feel any more sleepy, I was now wide awake.

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