25.) Clarity.

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I could feel my heart slamming against my chest, my pulse was accelerating, while my body throbbed for Downey... My heart melted with his touch, it would fllutter with just one glance from him, in his caramel eyes that flickered with desire...
My heart really does ache and call for Downey.

Maybe I'm just a dumb girl but this just was feeling too fast for me, and I wanted this between us to be loving and beautiful when it did happen, yet right now the only thing I can feel from us is that we are yearning for sex instead of love.

Downey's grip upon me tightened, tugging me closer to his lips. It almost made me forget my train of thought, feeling Downey's body heat radiate with mine as he leaned his head down and softly trailed his lips from the middle of my forehead, to the tip of my nose, and finally resting his beautiful lips against mine.

Downey sat there, passionately holding me. All the while, we never looked away from each other, locked in this moment, and I was locked in his arms... I was craving more, but getting more uncertain as each moment passed...

"Downey..." I sighed, really wanting to go through with this and pissed at myself for stopping it.

"Yes, love?" Downey softly kissed my neck, brushing his hand delicately against my upper thigh.

"I don't know about this..." I bit the corner of my lip, nervous for how this was going to pan out.

"Oh... Alright, yeah. Okay." Downey quietly murmured, slowly removing his hand from my leg.

"Ugh.." I sighed again in frustration. I honestly wanted to slap myself in the face. This was a serious case of face palming.

"I'm sorry, Downey.. I just... I've known you for what, two weeks?.. But! It's been an amazing two weeks, Downey. It really has.. I just do not want this to screw anything up between us..." I babbled on for a moment, like a babbling brook, trying my best to express myself to get him to understand what exactly I was thinking.

"What would this screw up? Well, besides us screwing each other... However, that is a completely opposite story." Downey smiled briefly.

"I don't know what it would screw up but I don't want to risk anything by going too fast, because I love being with you.. I love us..." I trailed off, now I am unsure on where I'm going with this...

Why did I have to ruin the moment?
I should have just kept my big mouth shut and let him screw me, just like I've been practically begging for him to do since I met him.

What's wrong with me?

"Scarlett Rose, are you scared I'm going to just walk out on you after we have sex?" Downey patiently asks me, placing both hands on either side of my face, staring into my uncertain eyes.

"I... I guess so? No... No.. Maybe?" And now, apparently I cannot talk.

"It's a yes or no answer." Downey gently tells me with a faint smile on his face.

"I really didn't think that was why, but now when you say it like that... Yes, that is what I think..." I heavily sigh, looking around at all the romantic candles and the majestic waterfall, and then to Downey...

His beautiful, handsome, flawless face.

"I don't want to be just another notch in your belt..." I laugh at my reference, knowing Downey wouldn't do that to me, but at the same time... How do I know that for sure?

"Well, first off.. I'm not wearing a belt." Downey winks.

"Downey.." I frown.

"All jokes aside, I guess I am just going to have to prove myself to you, so you will be certain that I won't just leave you like that. I have no problem with that.. You are worth the wait, Scarlett. When you are ready, I'll be ready for you sweetheart."

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