20.) Truth or False?

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I had walked slowly and was near James, when I heard the bathroom door crack open and Robert's voice..

Somehow, I had dismissed from my mind the bathroom door's lock was broken.
How did I forget that?

"Hey babe, sorry to--" Downey immediately stopped talking, as he saw James flick his head up in the air, rubbing his nose.

"What the hell?!!" Robert barged through the door and slammed it hard behind him.

He charged towards James, throwing the plate that held the cocaine on it off the bathroom counter, flinging it on the floor, shattering the plate into a million pieces along the bathroom tile. While, the powder had flown up in the air. Downey then grabbed James by the collar of his button up plaid shirt and pushed him up against the bathroom wall.

"What the fuck is your problem? You know Scarlett's trying to get sober and here you are enticing her to do blow with you? What the hell?!" Downey had shouted in James' face.

For some odd reason, however, when Downey had come in, I held my stupid hands up in the air like he was a cop and I was innocent, which I was, I never did any coke, but still I was acting like such an idiot. I have a feeling this will be a moment in time, I can look back on and laugh at myself...
I hope.

Downey's jaw was clinched and he was definitely seeing red, while he pinned James up against the wall, and then flung him with his strong arms to the other side of the bathroom wall. James had looked like he was light as a feather, the way Downey made it look so effortless throwing him so far.

James wasn't a big man, but he was definitely not small. Needless to say, Downey was incredibly athletic, and fit as fuck.


James slid on the tile from Downey's, obvious, strong force and landed in the corner of the room. James looked like none of this had even happened, I don't think his face had even turned to a different expression. His eyes had glassed over, like he wasn't even aware he was awake. James was obviously high as a freaking kite.

"Scarlett, you okay?" Downey turned to face me, after flinging James to the other side of the bathroom.

"Yea.. I think so?" I replied nervously.

I had never seen Robert that angry before, so I wasn't sure if he was going to be mad at me too. While Robert talked to me, his eyes had lightened up and his hands were unclenched from fists. Slowly his jaw was relaxed, especially after I put my hand on one side of his face, softly caressing his cheek, during which, I stared into his caring, beautiful, big, brown eyes.

He cared about me... He even defended me when it wasn't even James' fault if I had done drugs. That was my own free will doing that. James never forced me to do so, but Downey still came to my rescue and what perfect timing... I can honestly say, that I am overjoyed Downey came in when he did.

I wrapped myself around Downey, so thankful that he had come into the bathroom. He pulled both arms around me and tightly squeezed me in his arms, that I hadn't realized were that strong.

"Thank you, Downey." I said with so much emotion, I could have cried.

"Did you...?" Downey trailed off, gently putting his soft hand under my chin and lifting my head up to meet his eyes.

Downey searched in my eyes for something I wasn't sure, but then I finally realized what his question meant and why he had his eyes so deeply concentrated on mine....

Downey was curious if I had got high.

"Oh! No, no...I didn't." I quickly replied, as my lips curved into a smile. I was so happy I didn't.

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