15.) The Never Ending Kiss.

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"Hang on, wait! You just dreamt that in less than sixty seconds? What?!?" Robert shouts.

"I last much longer than that." Robert adds, while rolling his eyes.

Downey's eyes widen with intense pleasure, as I tell him why I was moaning his name after I got knocked out.

I didn't go into great detail. I only told him that I had a sex dream about him.

"I'm sure you do, Downey. However, you were the one to interrupt my dream full of ecstasy. So let's see, how long can you last with me?" I tease, flipping my hair back with my hand.

"Scarlett... You best not be teasing with me right now, because I will show you how long I last.. Even with a beauty such as yourself... I'll last longer than you." Downey smiles, trying to be funny. However, I found it a bit rude, and done with this conversation.

"Oh! We're getting cocky!" I squint at him and turn to walk away.

"No! Ah, shit.." Downey takes a deep breath and finishes his sentence,

"I didn't mean it like that, Scarlett. I wasn't trying to insult you.. That came out wrong." Downey goes to grab my arm, while I'm walking past him, heading for the bathroom. I did have to pee.

"Scarlett!" Downey hollors.

"I'll be right back, Robert. I have to pee, is that okay?" I defend myself, sounding a lot more bitchy than I intended.

*Knock.. Knock..*

After that I hear twenty more tiny knocks.

If I wasn't a little frustrated, I would have giggled and thought it was cute, not right now though.

I swing the door open, after using the restroom.

"Scarlett, I'm very sorry. I did not mean it in that way. I was trying to make a joke and it came out all wrong."

"I know, Robert. I get it. Can we just drop it?" I say calmly, running my fingers through my hair.

"Fine." Downey says disappointed, glancing down at his feet, biting the corner of his lip.

"I'm going to go outside and have a smoke and maybe a drink before our plans. Come with?" Downey says, lifting his head back up, waving his hands towards the door.

"Well... I was actually thinking of taking a quick little nap, before all the excitement  tonight." I reply, scratching my cheek nervously.. I really was feeling drowsy too.

"Scarlett, don't just say that because you are mad. I'm sorry, I really am, and if you are honestly going to take a nap, is your head feeling okay? Didn't look like you hit it that hard, but you never know."

Downey adds, looking worried.

"Yeah... I honestly would like to take a nap before we go out. Just for thirty minutes, not long. Oh, and no my head doesn't even hurt." I lay on the plush couch.

"Okay. I'm sorry, sweetie. Really, I am. I'll see you in a minute."

With that, Downey was out of the door, leaving me lying on the couch, to take a small nap.


I open my eyes, feeling a lot better after that nap.

Sitting up on the couch I reach into my small clutch, searching for my phone to see the time.. It had just been around forty minutes since Downey left. I glance around to apologize to him for being such a bitch. I had just started my monthly, so that added to my bitchy mood, but there are no exuses for being a bitch like that. Nevertheless, it ticked me off I had to start my girly time of the month today.. Of all days!

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