4.) Emergency...

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2:10 AM.

"Hello darling! You're awake. How ya feeling, ya little devil?" Downey half smiled at me, cocked his head and gave me his glowing smile, as I slowly opened my eyes from a little nap. What a glorious sight to wake up to.

"Ahh, I see... So, I'm the devil and you are the God." I bit my lip and raised my eyebrow.

"Pretty much, yup." He chuckled at me.

"But! You are an adorable devil." He pointed at me, smiling.. Still smiling. That smirk he makes is seriously making me melt. 

"Seriously though, how are you?" He put one hand on my shoulder and looked directly at me.

"I am... I'm good, actually." I stuttered. I didn't realize I was feeling good until the words actually came out of my mouth. My shoulder hurt a bit, but I was good. Coming down from cocaine is never great -- all your energy is zapped from you. At least, that's how it is for me. Among other things. But, yes, I was good. Was it Downey?... Of course it was.

Robert jumped up out of his seat and did a little dance. It was freaking adorable. I couldn't help but feel good around him. I cracked a smile and giggled a little. He makes me feel giddy.

"Woohoo! I am pleased to hear that, Miss Scarlett." He said after his little, 'cha, cha'.

"So, just to bring you up to speed.. No concussion, but it looks like your shoulder took most of the fall.. And... It's a little dislocated." As he said "little" he squinted his eyes and pouted.

"Ahh, okay. Oh well." I shrug.. Yeah.. That definitely hurt to shrug. I just am realizing now that my arm is in a sling, with my shoulder tightly wrapped.

Robert scrunched his eyebrows together, crossing his arms and looked me up and down, as if he was examining me.

"What?" I chuckle.

"I think there is something wrong with you if that's your reaction to a dislocated shoulder. I may have to check out your whole body up close, myself. You know, just in case there is something more going on with you." He winked at me and puckered up his lips.

Did Downey really just say that to me? Is this some fucked up, seductive dream? Whatever it is, this guy has it going on.. Like seriously, my panties are about to hit the floor so hard they'd end up halfway to China.... Just sayin'...

"Robert, all I can say is, shit happens when you party naked." I giggle at my reply to why my reaction was so chill about my dislocated shoulder.

"Now, that is a very true statement!" He laughs and raises his eyebrows up and down at me.

"You're a silly Lil' fuck!" I say, trying to control my laughter.

"I sure am." He sends me another Downey wink.

"Alrighty! What time is it? And when can I go home?" I ask.

"Not too sure yet. Let me get the nurse and ask her. She definitely sounded like you would be out of here shortly." Robert smiled, once again at me. Which definitely keeps making my stomach and lady parts flutter... If you know what I mean. He then was about to exit the room, but then turned around once more and gazed at me like I was some special sight. I'm okay looking, but for this suave and sophisticated man to be staring at me like this... I'm not that amazing to be gazing at. Robert then bit his lip in such a teasing way, I wanted to faint again. In a good way.

With that he turned around and left the room to find the nurse or doctor.. Or whatever. I didn't really care at that moment. I honestly just wanted... Robert  Downey fucking Jr.

Would I get him? I wanted him.... So bad.


Hello there my beautiful reader!

Thank you very much for reading this. I sooooo appreciate it! I'll have more chapters up shortly. I hope you are enjoying this so far....

It's going to get crazy, intense, sexy, but most importantly lots of fun coming your way!

You are fabulous!

Thanks again :) and hope you are having a magical new year!


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