8.) Sweet Dreams.

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I stand in the middle of Robert's living room with my thoughts spinning out of control..
Is he a player?.. Why does that even matter? It's not like I am even dating this guy, he just has been very, very nice to me tonight. Beyond nice. He went way out of his way to save me and plus, he went way out of his way to make sure I had a happy morning.. Ugh, what does this woman even matter? We're not in a relationship. He's my friend... That's all. Why is this bothering me?

"You know what? Don't explain. You don't have to, Robert. You saved my life and... And we're not even---"

Robert cut me off before I could finish my thought.

"Hey, hey! Scarlett, I would like to explain--"

Now I cut him off.

"No, it's fine! Like I said, I don't need an explanation--" and I'm being cut off again.

"Scarlett! Please shut your beautiful lips for one damn second, please. Let me explain? I would love to explain myself right now. Okay?" Robert calmly said, walking closer to me.

"Okay. Whatever. Go for it."

"Thank you. Alright, before I found you tonight, I was having an after party with a good friend of mine... Here. He's a big agent of sorts, kind of guy.. Anyway, an after party was going on. Obviously some of the guests did not all leave. Explaining the mess around my house, and of course, this one." He points over to the chick in hot red panties, passed out again, moaning as she rolled over on the couch.

"That does explain it." I say kind of smiling at the irony here.

"I'm sorry you missed the party, though, Robert."

"I had the time of my life tonight, so technically I was at the party."

I couldn't help but blush..

"I am ready for some sleep though. Can you show me to the bed?" I ask.

"Yes, of course..I'm just going to cover up this lady over here..." Robert hops over to the couch, grabbing a neatly folded blanket on top of the couch and gently covers the girl. Robert then turns back smiling and biting his lip.

"Let's get some shut eye, sweetheart. Up this way.." Robert leads me to stairs that go up to a small hallway. Robert opens a door on the far left, to reveal a big beautiful, master bedroom, with windows covering up one full wall. A flat screen TV on the opposite wall facing the bed... Ahh, a bed. That's all I honestly wanted right now... And Robert.... Just a little... Who am I kidding?.. Whew... I gotta get a grip.

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