2.)My Own Personal Handsome God.

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"Stay with me, sweetheart..."

I hear this gentle, yet seductive voice from a distance.. It sounds so far away, but I was pretty sure they were talking to me. I try and open my mouth to talk, but nothing but a slurring moan comes out. My eyes open to tiny slits. I look up and see a dark figure of a man -- I can barely see anything.. My vision is foggy. I'm trying so hard to see this enchanting stranger that was talking to me.
Is he holding me?
Carrying me?

I can't tell but I was moving or he was. I don't know, but pitch blackness surrounded me once again.

I opened my eyes -- Looking all around me, scared shit-less, at first. Then I realize I'm in back of a car, laying down.

"Where the hell am I?" I jump up from laying down, into a sitting position. I look towards the drivers seat, to my left, and see the back of a man's head, dark brown hair. Pretty short but a bit ruffled up. He turns his head and swerves the car a bit. I guess I scared him. I'm pretty scared myself at this point, but I'd be lying if I said I've never woke up not knowing where I was. My fucking shoulder hurt, though, and I could really use a cigarette.

"Hey there, rockstar. How you feeling, honey?" I remembered this voice! It's the enchanting man's voice. Who is he?

He pulled his car into a empty parking lot --put the car in park and turned around to look at me.

"Rock star?" I slurred.

"Well, looks like you were partying pretty heavy tonight, before I found you."

"Found me? Oh my God!" I didn't mean to shout that -- came out a lot louder than I had expected.

"Nope, I'm not God. Pretty close though, hon." This guy winked at me, and gave me a half smile.

I busted a gut, I couldn't stop giggling... But, I must have laughed too hard because I had to puke.. Like right... Now.

I jump up from where I was sitting, giggling at this dude. Reach for the handle to the car door, I'm fubbling around, with one hand looking for the handle and the other covering my mouth... I finally find the fucking door handle. Is it just me or does everyone feel a little dumb in an unknown car trying to find the car door handle?

I jump out of the car and get down on my knees, and spill my guts, exorcist style, everywhere in this parking lot...

I feel a hand on my shoulder, softly rubbing my back.. Not in a creepy way. It actually made me feel better and I stopped puking. I leaned back against the side of this stranger's car, sitting with my legs crossed in a really gross (especially after I just wrecked it) parking lot.

"Here, grab my hand, hon." He puts his hand out for me to grab. I do, and grunt as he helps me up. He then hands me a tissue to wipe my lips.

"Thanks.. Uh..?"

"Oh right, I'm Robert Downey Jr." He gently says cocking his head to the right, with this adorably cute grin in his face.

"Robert.. Thank you. You sure you aren't God?" I say giggling, but I immediately stop, remembering what happened a few minutes ago.

"Like I said, I'm pretty close." He winks again with those beautiful big brown puppy dog eyes. Damn, he has the longest eye lashes.

"Let's get you back in the car. How you feeling?" Robert says as he helps me into the passenger seat. He leans down, while I'm sitting in the seat, to make eye contact with me. I just stared at him for the longest time.

"Are you sleeping with your eyes open or just checking out this sexy God?" He stands up and gestures his hands towards himself as he emphasizes "sexy God."

I seriously can't stop giggling. This guy is humble yet cocky as a motherfucker at the same time.

"Honestly, I don't know what you asked me." I lie.. I just didn't know how to answer that question.

Robert chuckles and bats his eyelashes so charmingly suave.

"Okay, all jokes, aside... How are you, sweetie?"

I giggle and then somewhat remember my father passed away and what had happened at Steve's house... Then I can't really remember anything else except for waking up in the back of Robert's car.

"Uhm.. I don't know. My shoulder hurts." I manage to say, while trying to remember what happened after leaving Steve's apartment.

"Well, sweets.. I think we should take you to the hospital. I found you passed out in an alley way."

"Fuck, really? Ah, sorry I cuss like a sailor. I hope I'm not offending you." I smile and blush a little.

"Offend me?" He snickers and gets this big grin on his face, again batting the hell out of his brown eyes. I cannot get over his sexy eyes.

"Fuck, shit, damn, motherfuckering cock- sucker! See? I'm not offended. It takes a lot to offend me, darlin." He chuckles and shuts the passenger door, heads around the front of the car and hops in the driver's seat.

I'm smiling so much, its starting to hurt my cheeks. I look over at Robert, as he puts the keys into the ignition. He then turns his head and looks deep into my eyes. I feel like he's staring into my soul. Is that too cliché? I don't care, that's how it felt.

"What?" I grin as I break the silence, even though it was a beautiful silence, I wanted to know what he was thinking.

"Nothing.. Just that... For finding you pretty messed up in an alley, you're gorgeous."

Oh god, did he just say I'm gorgeous? I must look like hell. I just puked, I mean, c'mon!.

I could feel my face turn red and I'm sure my cheeks were pretty rosey.

"Thank you Robert, the God."

"My pleasure, dear." He grins to show his pearly whites. He then backs up out of the parking lot and heads back on the highway.

"So, are you going to tell me your name?"

"Scarlett... Scarlett Shannon."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Scarlett." He looks over at me once again and smiles, and then keeps that heavenly smile on his handsome face, while he turns his head back to face the road.

"It's nice to meet you, as well, Robert. Thanks again for... Well.. Saving my life." I say, a little embarrassed for how he found me.

"Don't worry about it, Scarlett. No biggie. Let's get you to the hospital and see if ya broke that shoulder."

We drove for about another ten minutes until we got to 'Emergency'. I was pretty silent during the rest of the drive. I still couldn't grasp that my father had passed away. Somehow, Robert made me feel like nothing horrible happened. He made me forget about my pain, not only in my body, but my heartache... Everything. It's like he made time stand still.

I know he was just a stranger and regularly I should have been a little scared, like I don't know anything about this guy that just found me in an alley. But, I could sense he was a good guy, a really great man. I felt that sensation about Robert, deep, deep down in myself... He was incredibly enchanting, he made me feel like... Like... I don't know, but something amazing. He was in a way... Like my own, personal, handsome... God. Especially when he batted those beautiful brown eyes of his. My God...

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