19.) The Family.

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Downey and I had arrived back to the hills, and back home... This actually felt like my home now, and I didn't want to move. Downey has yet to mention anything, so for the time being, I suppose this will be my home.

I had just got out of the shower, my hair was in a big, wet, gigantic, mess of a bun on the top of my head. I draped one of Downey's luxurious towels over my body, and decided to get my thoughts together, out in Downey's beautiful backyard.

I walked through the living room, heading for the sliding glass doors, as I hear Downey still on the phone with, Perry.

They must be on to something... Either that or they really do have a thing for one another. I chuckle to myself, remembering how they had bickered. Nevertheless, Downey had been talking to him right after we got home, and then I jumped into the shower, so at least over an hour.. I just hope Downey has some good news, well, as good of news as it can get.

I relaxed on the edge of the pool, dangling my feet into the tepid pool water, and my thoughts began to swirl, I just started breathing; techniques I had learned from my meditation and yoga classes. They did help to a certain point... I think my thoughts had spiraled out of control this time though. I just kept on keeping on, taking a deep breath, holding it, and exhaling slowing... It began to work, however, I heard the sliding glass doors open and close, pretty loudly, which made me stop concentrating.

I rub my hand over my eyes, to get back to reality.. Lifting my head up, to see Mister Downey, looking very, very suave, in nothing but a towel wrapped around his hip bones... I saw his perfectly shaped, 'V' of his abs that pointed straight down to his... Oh, I must stop myself, before I get too worked up.

"Well, this isn't good! No, no, no! This can't work." Downey declares, flicking his index finger, back and forth.

Obviously, I expressed a small smile, wanting to know what sarcastic thing he was about to say.

"And what would that be Downey?" I arch an eyebrow, cocking my head.

"Um, hello! One of us is going to have to change. We can't both be dressed in the same outfit!" He bellowed, hiding his chuckle, until I started giggling.

"You... You are so..." I sigh, a very sweet sigh, before finishing my thought. The smile had not vanished, and I don't think any smiles from Downey can vanish. It's just my Downey dazing smile.

"Yes'um?" Downey raises both eyebrows at me, puckering his lips up.

"You are such a jackass." I giggle, rubbing my face once more.

"Ahh, tell me something I don't know, you always tell me that." Downey whines.

"Hmm... You are totally ugly. You didn't know that, and I've never said that."

"Pshh.. That's a lie." Downey chuckles, plopping a seat next to me.

"Touché." I reply, while I burrow my face into Downey's chest. Downey pulled me closer to his body, and wrapped his arm around my lower back, holding me tightly.

The place I feel the safest.

"Even with only a towel on, you look sexier than ever, my kind sir." I smirk.

"Again.... Tell me something I do not know." I could tell Downey had a smile on that face. I could feel it glowing.

"Jackass." I mumble, sarcastically.

"You are a little bundle of joy today!" Downey laughs, as he starts to tickle me, and my first reaction, out of habit was to elbow him right in his chest.

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