21.) Love Me Like You Do.

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*R rated situations take place in this chapter. FYI.* Enjoy. ;)


"I feel really dumb for even asking you this, but did you...? Downey, did you sleep with Jamie? Never mind.. That can't be true.. You couldn't have.. She.. You.." I started rambling and felt ashamed for even asking Downey that question.

I knew Jamie.. She always had to be the center of attention and always made me feel like a fool, so she said that.. Why did I even ask Downey that? I knew it wasn't true.. Right?
I kept questioning myself.

Downey was extremely concentrated on the road, both of his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, driving back to his place. Downey was so concentrated, I wasn't sure if he even had heard me ask him.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked. That was rude and stupid of me." I added, thinking Downey was frustrated at me for asking that.

It had been silent for the whole half hour drive back to his house. Downey's eyes never left the road, he never gently touched my thigh, like he normally did. That made me nervous... Either he had slept with Jamie, or he was mad at me for asking.

Either way, I was getting concerned.

Downey pulled into his garage and shut off the ignition. He stayed in the seat for a few moments, then I decided to get out of the car...

Something wasn't right.

I went to grab the door handle and get out of the car, when Downey gingerly touched my arm to get my attention.

I flipped my head back and looked over my shoulder at Downey's most serious face. He was staring at me with an intense look in his eyes, I could tell he really didn't want to say what he was about to say...

"I... Scarlett, I didn't want you to have to find out this way, really I didn't. You do need to know though..." Downey took a deep breath and briefly pulled my hand up to his mouth, brushing his sweetly soft lips upon the top of my hand, as he then interlaced my shaky fingers in his strong hand.

I turned my body back in his direction, so I could see him better, to hear what he needed to tell me.... I didn't want to hear this.
I knew what he was going to say.

Downey still has my hand in his, squeezing it gently, yet somewhat tightly. Before he began to speak again, he ran his fingers through his hair with his other hand, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Downey was nervous.
I was nervous.
I didn't want to know any longer.
I wanted to pretend none of this ever had happened.
I wanted a lot of things, but this was happening and there was nothing I can do to change the past...

"Scarlett, I'm so sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I am apologizing from doing this, and also because I have kept this from you... Regardless, I'm going to tell you now. Just know I'm sorry, sweetheart." Downey bit his lip, staring at the floor of the car, telling me all this and then looked back up at me when he finished his sentence.

If I could have seen myself, I'm sure the most disappointed look was spread on my face. I wasn't smiling, I wasn't frowning... But, I'm sure my drooping eyes said it all. I never said a word during this moment.

"Jamie and I... We did sleep together about a year ago. I wish I could take it all back... But, I can't... I'm sorry, so sorry, I can't even express my sorrow. It was before I met you, Scarlett... Before I knew Jamie, but most importantly before I ever knew you." Robert told me. He rolled his eyes as he said Jamie's name.

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