23.) Candyman.

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**R rated chapter... You've been warned**
;) JustAlilfan, I know you've been wanting a dirty chappie haha ;) Enjoy!

I jerked up from a restless night sleep, my body sweating and quivering from fear... Fear of my father's death, fear from Jamie, but the main thing clawing at me was the fear of the unknown; what had really happened to my father?

Night terrors had taken up my sleep... In my dream it was so vivid, I could still see Jamie's hands around my father's neck and every single vein in his face were surfacing.

I immediately jolted my body once more as my hands continually shook ruthlessly, and my heartbeat was accelerating.

"Hey.. Hey, you okay?" Downey rubbed the small of my back.

"Bad dreams.." I whispered, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Come here, honey..." Downey quietly spoke, putting both arms around me, pulling me into his embrace.

"My dad... He died a horrific death.. I know it.. I can literally feel it. I cannot stand it." My body shook as each word came out of my mouth.

"Oh, sweetheart.." Downey quietly spoke, pulling me closer into his body while we both were face to face, and his warm rugged hands caressed my face, wiping away my tears and sweat.

"He's in peace now.. He can feel no pain, baby." Downey brushed his lips upon my forehead.

"Jamie killed him.. I know it, Downey.. She did it." I rambled on as the images from my dream would pop back into my mind, it began to feel like reality..

"Scarlett, sweetie.. What did you dream? Do you want to talk about it?"

"No.. No... Just hold me.. Make it go away." I whispered and prayed the dream would truly disappear.

"You did drink a lot last night and you are in an insane amount of stress right now, honey. It was only a nightmare..." Downey whispered and even though it was too dark in the room to see Downey, I could feel him smiling. That heartwarming smile and his soothing voice that made me feel at peace.

"Yeah, I did drink a lot. I tend to dream vividly when I get drunk." I still am rambling, trying to do anything I can to get my mind off of that damn dream.

"Alcohol can do quite a lot to the body... Also, apparently tequila makes you want to lick my back too." Downey chuckled.

"What?" I finally realize I have no recollection of how I got to bed last night...

I licked his back? What else did I do?? I cringe just at the thought of how bad I could have embarrassed myself.

"Yeah, you licked my back." Downey repeated, laughing more now.

"Oh no... Please tell me I only did that." I feel even more scorching hot now from embarrassment.

"You know what? I don't want to know why I did that or what happened.. Let's just leave it at, I am sorry for licking your back." I let out a small sigh and a laugh.

"You also licked me on my--"

"Oh my god! Shut up!" I shouted before he finished.

"You like my goodies, no need to be embarrassed." Downey chuckled.

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