31.) Queen.

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"So, what's happening?" Downey immediately asks me right as I hang up the phone, from a very quick chat with my mom's doc.

"I have to go back to the hospital... Doctor Shore wants to talk about my mother's 'situatuon' in person." I put quotation marks by my head while saying the word, "situation."

I heavily groaned, knowing if she wants to speak to me in person, she most likely has something important to inform me about my mother.

I got up from Downey's lap and was feeling my body heat up with fury, frustration, but mainly I was scared and incredibly nervous.

"Downey, I can't do this any longer!" I stomped my foot on the ground with anger.

"Do what, do me? You're not doing me yet, though!" Downey whines, trying to get me to laugh..

Unfortunately, it wasn't working this time.

Wow, there really is a first for everything.

"We can though.." Downey adds, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I was so caught up in my own head, I barely could hear Downey's darling voice while he's smirking, doing everything he can to make me smile.

"Scarlett... What can't you do?" Downey had a more serious tone in his voice when he saw me press the palms of my hands in my face from getting overly worked up.

Downey bounced off the bed and onto his feet and stood near me, gently lifting my hands off my face while he pulled my body into his. My immediate reaction was to clutch my arms around him too.

"Scarlett?" Downey softly questioned, as he put his index finger underneath my chin, slightly pulling my chin up so we could have eye contact.

Those damn eyes of Downey's, they get me every single time under his spell, it's like they truly are magical... Making my tongue more loose to open up to him, making my body relax and melt into his embrace, making my nerves slowly vanish like a day dream.

"Yes? I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to explode on you." I finally replied.

"I know, you were like a volcano!" Downey chuckles.

"Really, Downey?" I replied, feeling the corners of my mouth turning into a grin.

"He-he.. Works every time..." Downey giggles, grazing his soft pink lips on my forehead.

"Seriously, though... Explode on me anytime you'd like. I'll always be here for you, remember?" Downey tells me while he's pulling my hand in his direction, which was back to lay and cuddle on the bed.

"I'll always remember, Downey." I smile and notice Downey has already got me in his arms... My body is slowly cooling off from the rush of emotions that had just taken over me.

"So.... What can't you do, Scarlett Rose?" Downey asks me with affection.

"Tell me.. Get it all out of your system." Downey adds.

"You also can shake it out, but telling me is the better cure to get that crap out of your body." Downey grins, mischievously.

I let out a tiny giggle from what Downey is saying..

What is he even talking about?
Well, I knew what he was implying, but just the randomness of it all was quite humorous.

I quietly laugh to myself a little more.

"Shaking it out sounds like a more fun concept.." I replied.

"What's that involve?" I added.

"It requires you to jump up and literally shake it off." Downey softly chuckles, I could tell he was trying to hold that in before his sweet laugh escaped out.

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