11.) You Tease.

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Right before I could close my eyes, or even kiss, Downey, I hear a voice -- more than just a voice, more like a screech -- that startled me. I jerk up and hit my head really fucking hard on the ceiling of Robert's car.

"Oh, shit... I think you just dented the roof of my car." Robert says seriously at first, then licks his lips, forming a smile.

"Dented my fucking head." I now am laughing... Again.

"I have some urgent news for you." Robert tells with a distressed expression.

"What?!" I instantly reply, a little concerned.

"I think your head was already dented, Scarlett." Robert chuckles.

"Shut up!" I push him, honestly harder than I intended with my one hand, however he didn't even budge.

We kept on laughing for a minute, until I hear the screeching voice, again, as Jamie yanks the passenger door open.

"Whoa, hey Jam--"

"Scarlett! Where the hell have you been?!" I could see Jamie's, enlarged, red, puffy eyes. With dark circles surrounding her normally beautiful hazel eyes. She looked as if she hadn't slept, but instead, cried all night.

"Jamie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I lost my phone last--"

Oh, I love being cut off...

"Is that... Is that sling?!?" Jamie hollers, looking me up and down while I get out of Downey's car.

"Sure is. Like I was saying.. I lost my phone last night and --"
For fuck sake, can I finish my sentence anymore?!

"Yea, she took a gnarly fall last night over a rock, dislocated it." Robert chirps in.

Awe, thank you Downey. I think to myself.

I honestly hadn't even thought of what excuse to tell Jamie. 'Yeah, I passed out in an alley way after doing too many drugs, dislocated my shoulder, and spent the night with a man I had never met before last night.' Yeah, probably not the best way to tell my cousin.

"Oh, hello." Jamie's voice turns animated after noticing, Downey.

She then looks towards me and mouths the word, 'HOT.' And, yes, her frown has turned upside down.

"This is Jamie." I say, patting Jamie on the shoulder.. Trying incredibly hard to hide a huge grin that was about to appear across my face.

Clearly, I wasn't the only one that gets lured into Downey's charm, without even knowing him.

There was something about, Downey... Almost as if he had a women magnetic attached to his charisma... He obviously had.... Something.

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