34.) I Put A Spell On You

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I only have one word about the shower with Downey... Wowza! (I don't think that's a real word but that's how I feel. Wow-zaaa!)
He's even more flawless and gorgeous than I had anticipated...
No, we didn't do anything except innocent kisses... It was incredibly romantic without having to do anything else. That's how I could start feeling Downey's true emotions... He wasn't pushing me into anything, and even though we haven't done the dirty deed, it was still intimate and romantic as hell.

"You're beautiful." Downey tells me while we're lying on the bed with our arms wrapped around each other, wearing only towels.

"You're not so bad yourself." I grin, cupping the side of his face.

"Ha, thanks hon." Downey chuckles.

"That was....lovely." I manage to say but that word didn't do it justice, it was so much more than lovely, but out of all the words, lovely was the best to describe it.

"Could have been better..." Downey raises his eyebrows as he told me that under his breath.

"Well, thanks for ruining the moment, smart ass!" I laugh.

"I'm kidding.. It was very nice, Scar." Downey smiles, brushing his lips on my temple.

I decided to get into some clothes before I lay here too long and don't want to get up.

"Hey, hey, hey! Where do you think you're going?" Downey exclaims, as I wiggled out of his hold, and started to get off the bed.

"Putting some clothes on, is that okay my king?" I say with some sass.

"No.. No, it's not, if you must know." Downey replied with a lot of sass too.

"Well, if I lay here for much longer I won't get up and will pass out in the towel."

"So?" Downey shrugs.

"So... I would rather sleep in one of your t-shirts."

"Just a few more minutes. Pleeeaase." Downey begs, holding his arms out for me to crawl back into them.


"Wow, I thought I'd have to beg more." Downey replies, as I snuggle back up with him.

"Like you said, I can't deny the Downey love." I wink.

"Ah, yes... The Downey love at it again.. I put a spell on you, ya know?" Downey says with a cute grin on his face.

"Did you now?" I raise my brow, intrigued by Downey's fun, dorky chats. He's quite adorable when he talks about himself.

"I can't help it. Every single time a lady looks at me, bam! The spell has been cast. No turning back." Downey tells me seriously, but I'm trying incredibly hard not to let out my laugh that's trying to escape.

Especially after he said, "bam." Downey had slapped his hands together while he spoke, and a gigantic smile was plastered on my face.

"Oh yeah? Just... BAM! and this poor girl has no chance to escape?" I chuckled quietly to myself.

"Escape? Who said she wants to escape?" Downey's eyebrows are now raised, looking appauled by my statement.

"Who are we even talking about?!" I giggle, as Downey lifts his hand off my back and gently strokes the palm of his glorious hand around my cheek.

"I'm not sure what we were talking about... I'm lost in you now." Downey finally replies. His eyes locked on mine.

"About you and your spells..." I smile.

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