9.) Smile.

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"Good morning, sweetheart. Go back to sleep, I'll be back in a few." I hear Robert's soothing voice. I know he was talking to me.. However, I fell instantly back asleep...

I awake from a deep sleep, my body jerking me awake. I jolt to a sitting position, dangling my legs off the side of the bed...

I wipe my forehead of sweat and my eyes from tears.

What the hell happened while I was sleeping? I had forgotten for a moment of the dreams of my father.

I stabilize myself and stand up, looking over towards the clock on Robert's bed stand. The clock reading, 12:23 PM

I stroll over to the bathroom, doing my morning routine.. Looking over to the mirror on the bathroom wall behind the sink, I glance at myself.

Woah... I look like shit.

My hair is completely out of control, hair gone wild, it's waving in every direction and not to mention the frizz... It's totally out of hand.. I splash water on my face, grabbing a hand towel by the sink, patting my skin down. I slide my damp fingers through my hair, pulling my crazy hair to the side. As I am gazing down my face, I actually look kinda cute in Downey's shirt.. It doesn't look that bad..I could get used to wearing his shirts.. Oh yes, I could...

I come out of the bathroom, feeling okay.. Besides my hands shaking uncontrollably.. I am noticing a note beside Downey's bed stand. How the hell did I miss that?

Hello Gorgeous!

Be back soon. Giving our red panties friend a ride home. Be home before you know it.

-Your God.

I smile at Downey's note... How is he so freaking cute? I decide it's probably a good idea to take a shower before he gets home, and I can figure out how to get out of this sling on my own... I have to get used to this.

I fubble around for a good five minutes before I get myself out of the sling.. I didn't like this damn feeling one bit. Deal with it, Scarlett. I keep trying to tell myself, slowly removing Robert's shirt... Failing pretty hard core. I am out of the shirt except I just can't get my broken to shit shoulder, (Dislocated, whatever!) out of the sleeve.

Guess who comes in right at this time??

Take a guess... I'm sure you know who. Of course, I never shut the bathroom door... Damn!!!

"Good morning!" Robert exclaims before noticing I am practically naked.. He strolls past the bathroom, takes two steps backwards and double takes at me.

"Oh, it is a good morning!" Robert chuckles, covering his left hand over his eyes.

"I swear I didn't see anything!.. But, do ya need some help, sunshine?"

"What was your first guess?" I say dryly, pretty embarrassed that this was happening.

"Robert to the rescue!" He shouts uncovering his eyes, as he walks behind me.

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