37.) Butterflies.

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A few weeks have come and gone since the chat with Marvin Grey, and my incident of passing out when Jamie flooded through my thoughts.
It all added up right?
Even Marvin's description of her painted a perfect picture of my cousin Jamie. Who Marvin described as the C U Next Tuesday "kinda gal" that had appeared and disappeared in his life and also in his brother, Tyler's.
Doesn't that seem like too much of a coincidence?
I think so.
Downey thought so as well.

Perry had gone looking for Jamie shortly after Marvin had left their office that day, and Downey had taken my passed out body back home. I had woken up about an hour later, delirious with a migraine that felt like a jack hammer vibrating against my skull.

When Perry got to Jamie's home, he found an empty home. He said the place had looked almost deserted. It looks like Jamie had "ran for the hills" as that expression goes...

I called my mom to see if she had heard from her and it's quite frankly a little eerie what my mother told me was the last call she had received from Jamie which consisted of two words: "I'm sorry."

Jamie had told me that.
Jamie had told Marvin that.
Jamie had told my mother that.

Strange isn't it?
And now she has disappeared?

Perry has kept an eye on her house for days now. Still no Jamie and no James. No sign of either of them whatsoever.

I thought this case was so close to actually being solved, yet now it seems we have came to a dead end.

What now?
We wait...

Everything that swims through my mind are questions. No answers.
This is what I was afraid of... No answers to anything we've been searching and searching for. However, Downey keeps on encouraging me, being my support; being my rock. He keep telling me that we've already waited a while, what's a little more waiting going to hurt? And that does help me, but I obviously still continue to worry...

I called my mother about two weeks ago making sure she doesn't take any of Jamie's (or James') phone calls. If they ever do call. I asked her to stay low and not ask me any questions on why. I told her they are dangerous and for her to change her number and be careful.... Just in case.
She agreed with me on everything and I was positve she would listen to me.

I'm awake in bed on another late night (or early morning however you want to look at it) unable to fall asleep. I had finally turned the TV off about an hour ago. I thought I may have been disturbing Downey's light - on and off - slumber.

I tossed and turned in bed with the moon beams peeking through the window, casting a gleam of light over the bed.

I must have drifted off but I didn't feel like I had even shut my eyes, but it was now almost seven in the morning. And I lay in an empty bed with the sun rays peeking through the windows as the sun had began to rise.

I tip toed down the stairs to see Downey cooking an early breakfast.

"Whatcha got cookin good lookin?" I sleepily mumbled to Downey.

"Boo-boorry pancakes." Downey tells me in a goofy child's voice, causing a grin to widen on my face.

"Morning." Downey adds, clasping his arms around me and pulling me off my feet a little in his bear hug.

"Good morning." I reply, burrowing my face into Downey's chest.

"You are up early for someone who didn't fall asleep until five in the AM."

I nod in agreement after Downey sets me back down, and back to flipping more blueberry pancakes.

"I am so not a morning person." I add.

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