30.) Hero.

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**Okay, so since my readers have been so amazing, yes you! I decided to update my story quicker than planned. Thank you for your beautiful support and getting me to chapter thirty! Yahoooo! Thank you all so much... I hope you enjoy this chap... :) **


"Everyone's gone?" I asked, slowly walking through the front door, peeking into the kitchen, seeing an empty dining table.

"Just you and me, honey bun." Downey replied, closing the door behind him.

It had been a quiet ride home from the hospital... I didn't have any words to say, only caring vibes coming from Downey, but no words were spoken after I had got myself together enough to tell him what the nurse had told me. I began to softly cry after explaining it all to him, then Downey held my hand the whole ride home, soothing me. Just a touch from Downey could heal and ease my sorrows.

"Well?" I arched my brow, looking into Downey's eyes, wanting to know what had been discovered from their conversation with Jamie.

I wasn't sure how long I had been away, the time slipped by rather quickly, so I had not payed attention to what time it was.

"Jamie left about five or ten minutes after you headed to the hospital... The last thing she said was, 'sorry' before she ran out the door."

"Sorry?" I questioned, confused.

While I gazed at Downey, I saw the dark bags that rested underneath his sparkling eyes, that needed sleep. The sparkle in his eyes were fading... He was tired, I knew that. I don't think he was only tired from not getting sleep last night. Downey was tired of this case... It has been long with no answers to anything he had been searching for. Downey was worn out, he didn't need to say anything for me to know that.

I was quite worn out from this too, but Downey had to work on the case, whereas I did not.. I just lived with it and Downey lived with it and also worked with it.

So, I didn't want to bombard Downey with a bunch of questions about why Jamie had ran out the door or why she would have said, "sorry." He already looked so beat, I didn't want him to have to think about all of that right now, and honestly I didn't want to talk about it for the time being, either...

It's just Downey and me in the house alone for now, and that hasn't happened much lately... Plus I wanted some time with Downey to have some lovin'. He sure looks like he needs some of that too.

"Downey, my sweet, sweet man..." I whisper, placing my hand on the side of his face, staring into his glowing eyes, that pierced through my soul.

"Yes, my beautiful girl?" Downey quietly replied back, moving both of his hands on either side of my face.

"You need some sleep, king Downey." I faintly smiled, remembering our discussion this morning.

"Some shut eye would do me good.." Downey trailed off as his voice got deeper and more faint with each word he spoke.

"Let's go upstairs, Downey."

"My dear, Scarlett.. Sleep ain't going to happen for me right now.. I'm actually wide awake and couldn't sleep a wink even if I tried." Downey bent his head down, resting his forehead against mine.

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