7.) An Awkward Encounter.

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Robert and I were driving back to his place and after seeing his fancy pants car, I was very intrigued by what his house would be like. We were already driving through the fancier or 'richer' part of town. Where I live is in a middle class area of the city. About thirty minutes from this side of town.

I was looking out the window looking out at the beautiful houses that were located on the beach, literally their backyard was the beach. I always wanted to live right on the ocean... Robert then pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You know, what? We need music.."

"Sounds good to me, Downey." So, I'm thinking he's about to turn on the radio or put a CD on, right? No.. That wasn't the case and I am so delighted it wasn't.

Robert, adorably and loudly, started belting out a song. A great song, "I've Just Seen A Face." By The Beatles... Well, duh.

I actually loved the song even more now, watching him even sing was amusing itself, but his voice... It was very deep and sexy. Even though he was goofing off and not seriously singing his best, all that aside his voice was still enchanting.

..."But as it is I'll dream of her tonight, da, da, da, daaaa,da!.. Falling, yes I am falling and she keeps callin' me back again!!!!!"

I started singing along with him because, well it's a catchy tune.

As we both finished singing, Robert pulled into what apparently was his home... It wasn't a big house, but it was magnificent. A big beautiful lawn, with lovely rock slate stepping stones that lead to the steps to Robert's front porch. A ivory white house with a gray trim. Simple yet elegant.

"Also, just so you know.. I was serenading you with that fantastic song." Robert smiles as he pulled into his garage.

"Aw, well I loved it, Mr. Downey. Thank you!"

"No need to thank me, honey. I know I am--"

"Yes, I know you are the most amazing man in the world. You are a great God.." I giggle and poke Downey in the arm.

"Well, I actually wasn't going to say that, you lil' smart ass.. However, when you put it that way, I cannot disagree." Robert laughs as he parks the car-- looks at me with his sexy, beaming smile, and winks. I obviously giggle.

"Honey we're home!" Robert exclaims.

"Your house is quite gorgeous, Robert."

"Thank you, sweetheart. I have a delightful bed, as well." He winks.

"Oh, do you now?..Well, is it as delightful as you?" I ask playfully.

"Well, not as delightful as me, of course. I'm wonderful to lay on..." He chuckles and opens the door in the garage that leads into his home.

"I'm sure you are, Downey, but I'll have to find that out for myself at a different time."

"Aw, okay.. But, just so you know I'm going to have to do this to you now..."

As we both walked into what looked like the living room, Robert picks me up and softly puts me down on his fluffy, white carpet. Then crawls on top of me and tickles the hell out of me!

"Tickle monster!!" He shouts as he tickles me all over my body. I couldn't stop laughing, I was way too ticklish and oddly getting aroused, at the same time. Well, Robert was right on top of me, his groin against mine. As he went to tickle me under my armpits he grazed my boob, and he raised an eyebrow while doing so.

As Robert stopped tickling me, he fell back on to the carpet, resting next to me. I was catching my breath and couldn't help, but feel an unsatisfied pleasure inside of me, tingling...

"Sorry about the mess around here, by the way. I'll explain that later." I hadn't noticed it before Robert said anything.. but yeah, it was pretty trashed...

Robert stroked my messy hair out of my face, as he lay on his side next to me, looking at me up and down, he then wrapped his arm around my hips and pulled me on top of him.

"That's better, darlin." He whispers as I am straddling him. Robert has both of his hands on either side of my hips and slowly ran his hands up all along the sides of my body until he reaches my face, gently pulling my head closer to his... My body was heating up fast, fantasies swimming in my head. I was excitingly anticipating Downey's touch. We are inches from each others lips...

Just before our lips met, I hear a slurring woman's voice coming from somewhere in the house.

"Robert, you finally made it!"

I jump up and see a woman pretty much passed out on a couch at the far end of the room, wearing nothing but red panties. Robert jumps up after me with wide eyes, looking at her and then to me..

"I actually can explain this." Robert says to me with an awkward smile.

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