5.) Lips of An Angel.

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3:15 AM.
Sunday Morning.

I was in the Emergency room for about three hours.. The shortest trip to a hospital I've probably ever been to. However, I slept through about an hour and a half of it. That's a major plus but I did feel bad for, Robert. He napped off and on but didn't sleep much at all. The trip to Emergency went surprisingly well, considering the times I had gone before. I'll talk about that later. Right now, all that was on my mind was if, Robert was going to stay in my life or.... Was this it? Just drop me off at my place and that's it? I didn't know. I wanted to know. I needed to know. I am about to find out.

Robert and I walked out of Emergency a little after, 3 AM. I think we got here around midnight. It definitely was a long night, but I'm just so grateful I am in such good hands. Was I? I don't even know Robert that well... Why would he rescue me and take me to the hospital if he wasn't a good guy? I've met some shitty guys in my life and he didn't feel or seem like one at all.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask Robert with a stupid grin on my face.

"I'm Robert. We've discussed this." He stopped in his tracks as I walked passed him, then realizing he has stopped, I look around my shoulder to see him staring at me, with a dirty, silly, smile.

"You sure you don't have brain damage?"

"Yes! I meant.. Who are you, as in... Why did you do this for me? Why are you being so nice? Just please don't murder me." I giggle.

"Trust me, I'd turn you into the most beautiful lamp shade, ever!" Robert said "ever" in a cute, saucy, female voice.. Flipped his hand in a sassy wave at me, with his other hand on his hip.
Wow, he's even sexy when he talks like a sassy teenage girl, while telling me he's going to turn me into a lamp shade... How can a man be that enchantingly arousing?

"You are one smart ass, Mr. Downey!"

He just winked at me and we started walking to his car again..

Robert and I finally got to his car, however, I didn't exactly remember what his car had looked like.. I hadn't noticed Robert turned to his car and I kept on walking a few steps, until I hear, Robert call to me,

"This is me, darlin'."

I turned around, my eyes widen and I raise an eyebrow in amazement, to see this incredibly sweet, black, beautiful car. I don't know anything about cars.. (I don't even have a driver's license.. Gimme a break.) but this one was definitely a beauty, for sure. I had definitely never drove in anything near to how fancy this car was.

Robert apparently noticed my amusing, shocked, expression.. "It's an Audi R7."

"I have no clue what that is, but it's a fine looking car, Robert.."

I look up at him and smile, as Robert chuckled while opening the passenger door for me. I hopped in and I'm not sure where we were going, but I didn't want this to end just yet... I wanted more... I needed more. Robert was my new drug.

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