42.) Drugs & Kisses.

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**This chapter is dedicated to each and everyone of you that has read this story. Thanks a bunch! I hope you like the final chapter.... Xoxoxo**

One year later...

"Hey, beauty queen!" Downey calls for me, as he's walking through the door of where I now work.

"Hey sparky!" I shout, excited to see him. I walk from behind the counter and around the swinging door, to embrace Downey.

"I have your usual all ready for you, Downey." I smile, handing Downey a coffee with two shots of espresso, and a slice of my famous pumpkin pie.

"Yay!" Downey squeals like a child in a candy store.

My face brightens up at his cute little expression.

"Eat your pie while I finish up for the day." I added, wrapping my arm around his neck, and then giving him a short but ever so sweet smack on the lips.

I'm now a proud owner of my very own bakery called "The Rose's Treats." I'm no good at coming up with names, so it's very simple but I think it works.

I somehow got blessed to find a spot right on the beach to open my shop at. There's a deck outside with tables and chairs for customers to go eat out there with a stunning view that over looks the ocean. And of course I have an area in the bakery for people to sit inside, as well. It's not a huge building, but it works out extremely well. Downey helped me build my dream kitchen in the back, and it's fabulous.

For some reason or another, my shop has been getting more and more customers, and just last week my bakery was featured in a popular magazine in the town my shop is located in... That sure did help my bakery get more attention!

The Rose's Treats got an amazing review, and I was interviewed, which obviously and thankfully brought in even more traffic to my store. Needless to say, it's been an exciting adventure so far. The building still needs some work, but I'm chipping away at it daily to make it just perfect.

It has been open for almost six months, and by far the customers favorite is "John's Pumpkin Spice Pie." I decided to add a little charm to the pie's name. I also had fun with one other desserts dazzling name, and it's another high seller too.... "Daisey's Heavenly Cream Puffs"

I have many more goodies I make and sell here, and that's been exciting to play around with different desserts and snacks I haven't made before. Surprisingly, I have quite a majority of desserts and coffee. So far, it's been an absolute blast! Everything seems to be falling right into place. I'm beyond thrilled, and far beyond blessed.

As for Downey and myself, we are still living at his home (I should say our home, actually), and I certainly can finally chip in with rent, however, Downey has refused to let me spend a dime. What he doesn't know is that I am going to call next week and buy our home. Just a little one year and two month anniversary gift for us.
And then the house can officially be ours to own, together. Our home is just two miles away from work, and that's unquestionably an even bigger plus!

"So! How was your day, love bug?" Downey asks with a big mouthful of pie scooped in his mouth.

"Fantastic." I replied, cleaning off the countertops.

"And yours?"

"Good. I missed you but other than that all went well." Downey pouted, and then finished his last bite, rubbing his tummy.

"You missed me? You were here only an hour ago!" I giggled.

Downey always stops by to grab some coffee for Perry and himself for their last hour at work. Downey is now working full time for Perry, through the week from around noon until five, and off on the weekends. Unless he works over time on a case. Those are wonderful hours because, I also only work through the week days. My hours are nine until closing at five.

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