32.) Clues.

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"Missus Shannon and.." Dr. Shore began to speak, as she sat behind her desk, with Downey and me in chairs facing her in front of her desk.

"Oh, yeah... This is Robert, and please call me Scarlett." I try to smile but the insides of my body felt like they were thumping against my bones, as if I may explode at any minute from my tremors and nerves.

"Scarlett.. So, you are aware your mother is doing fine and just needs some rest, correct?" Dr. Shore asks with a kind smile.

"Yes ma'am."

"Call me Laura." Doc Shore replied, as she rummaged through papers on her desk, yanking out a file, which I was presuming was my mother's information.

"I just want to make sure you know her health is doing just great before I dive into some serious information to tell you.."

"What's the serious info?" I almost blurted out, needing to know what was making her nervous about my mom.

"Scarlett, as the nurse told you, a drug did show up in her blood test which is a drug called ketamine.. Are you familiar with that at all?"

Unfortunately, I am familiar with it... I had got a few from my old drug dealer quite a few years back... I never really knew it could be used as a date rape drug though. All I knew was that it relaxed me and helped my cramps, and I got a pretty good high going on.

"Um, no.." I lied, feeling my cheeks warm up.

I am never good at telling lies.. Hopefully since Laura doesn't know me, she won't notice me blushing nervously.

I could feel Downey's hand squeeze mine. He had not let go of my hand once... Downey is the only thing keeping me through this whole shit of a mess.

"It's most commonly known by veterinarians when they need a tranquilizer for horses.. Obviously not a safe drug to mess around with if it can take down a horse. I have a quick question for you... Sarah, your mother, she doesn't mess around with drugs, right? She's not in any households where this could be around for her to get a hold of?"

"Oh god, no! She's never been that kind of person." I shouted too loudly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell that.. I'm nervous, is all." I can now literally feel my cheeks bursting into flames from my weird nervous behavior.

She's gonna think I did this to my mom from my weird behavior, am I acting suspicious? I feel like I'm gonna lose it.. Every time I'm nervous, I seem like a guilty person... Don't ask me why, that's just who I am.. When I get nervous, my cheeks turn bright red, or I start nervously laughing at something I would never find funny.. I'm weird like that.

"This has all been a very hard time on Scarlett." Downey chirps in, earning a nod of understanding from Dr. Shore.

"I'm sure this has.. I'm very sorry, Scarlett.. Well, I'm sorry for the both of you.." The doc gently smiles at me and Downey, and my eyes begin to swell with water, however I feel obligated to keep my tears from escaping.

I can't handle this shit... My body literally cannot handle this anymore.. How has Downey been so strong to handle all my crap? How has he been strong enough to handle all of this?

"Doc.. I mean, Laura..." I stammer, weakly smiling before finishing my thought.

"My cousin, Jamie came to my home early this morning to tell me about my mom.. Jamie began to inform me that it had to do with my mom's heart, or possibly stress... Is any of what my cousin told me true, whatsoever?" I quickly spoke.

Laura furrowed her eyebrows, looking confused and began to speak.

"No.. Your cousin couldn't be more wrong, actually.. I'm very interested in where she had received that information... The tranquilizer did leave her with confusion and high blood pressure. I'd be surprised if she even remembers coming in this morning. However, no heart danger.. She has a very strong ticker.. As for stress, she may have been stressed trying to figure out what was going on with her body, and why she was so dizy... Although, she was incredibly delirious, I highly doubt she was even stressed. I'm sorry to have to drag this situation out even longer for you, Scarlett.. If you can please answer a few questions of mine, and maybe we can pin point to how or why your mother could have got a hold of this dangerous drug, or if someone could have possibly gave it to her... However, there is something bothering me about all of this, that hopefully you can answer..."

"If you can handle a few more questions, that is, Scarlett. I know this is difficult on you right now." Laura added.

"Y-yes.. I need to figure out what happened.. Do you have any suspicions, Laura?" My hand began to shake again, but I could feel Downey's clammy hand in mine, squeezing it gentlty, which somehow helped my shakes.

"The thing is, when she first arrived I had asked her if she drove herself, but all she replied was that her nephew had dropped her off in the front of the hospital... I'm not pointing any fingers, he could have walked her in and she obviously was not fully aware of everything in her state. Although, you are the first person to visit your mother.. I would imagine her nephew would have wanted to know how his aunt is doing..."

It almost seemed like my heart had stopped beating there for a minute as Laura said the word, "nephew." Which would mean, James...

James had dropped my mother off and then vanished?
Jamie acting beyond insane this morning... Could she have known about this drug?

I closed my eyes to try and calm my head down from thoughts spinning out of control that pounded into my skull. After a few seconds I could feel Downey clutch on my hand once again, pulling me back to the moment.

I glanced to Downey, staring into his caring eyes that soothed my soul.
Downey brought my hand up to his face, and gently pressed his soft sweet lips against the top of my hand that now had both of his hands wrapped around mine.

"I'm right here for you. Everything is going to be okay, my Rose.' I could practically hear Downey tell me with that affectionate expression on his face.

I took a deep breath before finishing this discussion with Laura, and I knew this case was getting so close to being cracked.


Hey lovelies!

Dun.. Dun.. Dun!
Does anyone have any suspicions?

I've lost an amazing person today and my heart weeps with sorrow.

I'll try to update as soon as possible.
I hope you understand.
Thank you and much love to you.

Comment & Vote, pretty please.
Thank you!


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