40.) Bang, Bang, Bang.

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My eyes bolted open and my head was throbbing. I could feel my heart beat in my temples. I dazedly gazed around a familiar but strange room. I was sitting up straight on a dusty bed with my back against the head board. I gradually came to the realization that this was my dad's bedroom.

Why the hell am I in here?
I thought to myself and then tried to move, but I couldn't even move my hands. I arched my neck slightly up, and as I did so, my migraine pounded like a hammer slamming against a nail -- making me somewhat dizzy from the headache. As my eyes raced to my hands, my arms were up above my head and against a beam that is apart of the head board. And my wrists duct taped securely around the beam that stuck out of my dad's old wooden head board, that was now deteriorating wood with small holes in it where termites had probably drilled through. Needless to say, it was a nasty funky old room.

I yanked and yanked on my hands with all my force, and then came to the conclusion; I am stuck.

"Downey!!!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs. That was the only name I could think of to call for... The one person who always saved me; My hero, my knight in shining armor, my king... My everything.

Each and every single thing that had happened to me before I woke up rushed back to me... Jamie with the pistol, and it must have been James that came around from behind me with the cloth, drenched in some kind of chemical to knock me out from the sickening stench. I had seen that in a horror movie before, and had a suspicion that it had been chloroform... Whatever it was it sure did f*ck me up, horribly.

That's most likely why I have a screaming headache, and an almost numbing sensation spread throughout my skin. I just prayed I would be able to walk, once I got myself out of this damned duct tape!

I'm too confused and delirious to know how much time had passed since Downey had dropped me off.

I knew he couldn't be here though... How did I know that? I don't even know if it's been one hour or one day...

But, what if he had gotten here to come pick me up?
No, no, no... I didn't even want to think about that. Jamie had gone absolutely insane, so who knows what else she would be capable of doing right now, with how she's acting...

A mean, mad, and one crazy c*nt.
To say the least....

I took another good glance around the room, trying to find something to help me free my hands. My wrists ached with bolts of shooting pains. I must have been here for quite a while.

I almost jolted myself loose outta the tape from getting startled and scared, when I heard a small moan from the corner of the room. I instantly saw the top of my mother's red hair that was in a bun on the crown of her head.

"Mom... Mom, are you okay?" I whisper.

"Scarlett?! is that you?"

"Yes. But, try and be quiet. I don't want them to hear us. Can you walk? Are you okay?"

"I am not too sure. I think I can walk... I don't remember what happened." Mom spoke softly, crawling closer to me and finally getting up to her feet, with a small groan bursting from her throat.

"Mom, you have to help me and help me quick. Please, get something and cut me free. I'm tape -" I broke off after hearing the door knob start to jiggle.

"Shh! Pretend you're still sleeping, mom. Just be quiet." I demanded softer than a whisper.

My mother quickly scurried over to the corner once more and lied down, disappearing from my sight.

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