29.) You've Got The Love.

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"Oh, that's alright. I understand. You can tell me what's happened though?" I nervously smile, awaiting to hear what's happened to my mother.

"Yes.. But like I said, Doctor Shore will give you more details later today."

"Okay.. So, what's the info you can give me?" I ask, feeling the insides of my body starting to tremble from the news I was about to receive.

"Your mother, like I've told you is doing wonderful, only needs a lot of sleep.. When she came in, she had very high blood pressure, and just wasn't feeling herself. We have done some blood tests to see what exactly was the problem leading to this, and a drug did show up in her test..."

My heart almost thumped out of my chest as those words slipped out of the nurse's mouth...

(Now back to present...)

What kind of drug? My mom doesn't take any drugs for her health... Right?
I was obviously unsure on the fact because I haven't been around her, which made me feel terrible... Why the hell hadn't I been with her!?

I shoved both palms of my hands on my forehead from having so many thoughts of confusion stampeding through my brain...

"What came up was what people call a date rape drug... Although! We did other tests, and no sign whatsoever of rape.. So, she is okay, please do not worry of that. We would have found...signs from that..." The nurse had quietly informed me, while my mind circulated with thoughts... I even thought I may pass out from this horrifying news..

Although, I was beyond thankful they hadn't found any traces of...rape.

She got slipped a drug?
A date rape drug?
What the hell?
My mind was spinning out of control.
My blood pressure must be sky rocketing, but I had to get to Downey.

I had to get to him now.

I gave the kind nurse my cell number to get a hold of me when my mother gets released, so only I could be the one to take her home, and also for the doctor to call me with more information to tell me about the matter.

I was awaiting the call from my mother's doctor nervously. Each time my phone would vibrate, my body would shake and my hand barely held my phone sturdy enough to take a call.

I had called Downey right as I got out of the hospital doors, and was now sitting on a bench at some Starbucks a few blocks away from the hospital, trying to calm my brain down from pounding with intense thoughts. I only wanted Downey here to help me get through this, and help me to figure this whole mess out.

I had no idea on what to even think about this, yet each one of my thoughts were already trying to solve what has happened.

Why had my mother been slipped a drug, and from who?

I highly doubt one of her fellow knitting club members would do that.
The only other people she's in contact with (that I know of, I haven't even been around her, which is making this worse... If that's even possible.) would be my cousin Jamie, Jamie's husband, James, and possibly Richard?
Which, I'm not even positive she's even in touch with her ex husband, but I would highly doubt that..

Although, what would I know?
I haven't been around her to know any of this for sure. The last time I saw her, I had told her to never contact me again... I had my reasons, but if I had just been around her I would know what had gone on right now, or maybe this never would have happened if I had been with her.. But, instead she's in the hospital right now from taking a drug or being slipped a very, very terrible drug...

Guilt began to sink into each crevasse inside of me, and my heart was beginning to get heavier.

What I do know is that Jamie was acting beyond bizzare this morning... Leading me to believe she's the major suspect in this..

However, why would she give my mother a date rape drug?
What would that do?

While my thoughts began taking up my whole body, in a world where only solving this mattered, Downey had arrived, while my thoughts absorbed me.

"Scar..." I heard Downey's soft voice, plucking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, thank God!" I blurted out, extremely happy to see Downey.

The one person who can help me through this crazy thing we call, life.

I jolted up from the bench and crashed my body into Downey's, throwing my arms around him, holding him tight, I never wanted to let go of him... I quickly could smell his sweet, musky cologne that I adored. (What didn't I adore about this man?) He had immediately clasped his bulky arms around my back, holding me securely, as we intertwined together in our embrace. I faintly smiled, ever so happy that Downey is always here to come rescue me.

I had not realized until now that I had been battling the urge to cry ever since the nurse had told me what happened to my mom, but now in Downey's arms, where nothing could get to me or hurt me, and with my head burrowed in his chest, tears came streaming down from my worried eyes.

Downey ran his fingers through my hair and kissing me softly on top of my head, holding me.. He stood here, clinging on to me tightly, comforting me and soothing all my troubles away... Downey didn't have to say anything. He knew what I needed right now, it's like he reads my mind... He already knows me so very well. For right now all I needed at this moment was to be loved and just to let me stand in his arms and cry...

"Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air, I know I can count on you... Sometimes I feel like saying, 'Lord I just don't care...' "

But Downey's got the love I need, to see me through...

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