3.) I Need You...

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"Stop giggling, ya little gremlin!" Robert chuckles at me.

"Then, stop making me laugh!" We just parked in the Emergency parking lot. I'm fumbling for the car door handle, once again.

"I literally haven't said anything funny, and wait! I'll open the door, hon." Robert jumps out of his door and speed walks over to my door and swiftly opens it for me.

I swing my legs out and try to balance myself on the ground, and if Robert had not been right there to catch me, I probably would have ate shit. Scratch that, not probably, I would have definitely ate shit.

Robert catches me in one swift movement, he pulls me up and my eyes meet is, once more. His facial expression never changed, his face is very relaxed and looks at ease... He still has one hand resting on the small of my back. Robert licks his lips and breaks the silence.

"Alright hon... Let's get ya in there, yeah?" He motions his head towards the Emergency doors.

"Right. I probably should get this over with." I say as I take a deep breath and bite my lip, I was a little nervous.. I'm not sure what was making me more nervous, Robert or going to see a doctor?
Why would Robert make me nervous?.. I just met him less than an hour ago. This man was flawless, though...

"Sooooooo! Shouldn't you get back to your... Family?.. Or....?" I didn't finish my sentence and just looked up at Robert, while we were walking, to see if he'd reply.

"No, why? Should I have a family? What are you implying?" He replied sternly with no emotion.

"Uhm.. I didn't mean --" He cut me off, smiling.

"I'm fucking with you, Scarlett. Sorry, I can't help myself sometimes." He chuckles up a storm. I lightly smack him on the shoulder with my good arm.

"You made me more nervous than I already am, ya asshole!" I squeal.

He looks towards me and the building lights shine down on Robert's face, I haven't really got to see much of it, besides his brilliant eyes. His jaw line is chiseled and just the perfect amount of facial hair, a little scruffy. No joke, this guy is flawless. I know I've already said that, but I cannot say it enough.

"It's not nice to stare, Scarlett, However, I know I'm extremely good looking, so I'll make an exception for you" He bumps me with his shoulder, grinning.

"Oh God... You are incredibly into yourself!" I leer at him again, with a cute smirk on my face.

He looks amused and chuckles.

"Oh, shush your cute little face. I am not. Well, maybe a little." He has his fingers pinched together, as he says, "little." And again with that sexy smirk he gets on his face! His eyes somewhat scrunched together and his lips a bit puckered up.

Robert then shrugs it off and walks into the emergency room doors. I, on the other hand, stood outside the automatic doors. I just came to the conclusion, I was about to see a doctor. I got nervous...

I saw Robert inside look around both sides of him, get confused at where I was and then turn around to see me, with a look of relief on his face.

Robert comes back out the sliding doors and arches his eyebrow at me and cocks his head to the right, smiling.

"Whatcha doing, sweetheart? Let's go." He waves for me to come inside, as he stands looking at me.

"I don't know about this, Robert..." I gently say.

He then looks confused and walks closer to me and lifts my chin up, slowly and softly with one finger, so he can look at me in the eyes.

"What's going on, hon? Whatcha thinking about?" He keeps his finger on my chin.

"It's a long story." I say as I bite my lip.

"So? Tell me. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine, sweetheart. But, we do need to go in and see a doc. Not only about the pain in your shoulder, but I wouldn't be surprised if you don't have a concussion." He let go of my chin and put both his hands on my either side of my face, mesmerizing me as he looks into my eyes.

"I have a history of drug abuse. They're gonna want a blood sample! Then, they probably will think it's another suicide attempt. Then, well.. I'm fucked." I can't believe I just told him all of that.. I never have told anyone that.. The suicide part.

Robert then took me by the hand, and walked me over to the side of the building. He held my hand tight and kissed it softly.

"Scarlett, honey.. It's going to be okay. I promise. I'll never leave your side, my dear. I was with you tonight, remember? If they think it's suicide, I'll deny it. Unless... I mean.. Do you need help, darlin?" He gently says all this to me and I can't help it, but, one tear falls down my cheek. It's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Robert wipes my tear away.

"I don't need help tonight. I think you're all the help I needed." I replied, smiling and this time a happy tear falls.

Robert grins and wipes that tear away too.

"Okay darlin. Let's go now and we'll just say you accidentally tripped over a rock. We'll deal with the other stuff later, okay?"

"Okay." I say with a gentle smile. "Please don't leave me, though."

"I wouldn't ever think of it. Remember, I promised I would never leave your side? I gotcha, hon." He leans in and gently kisses me on the cheek, and whispers in my ear, "Besides, remember, I'm God?" Robert leans back and winks at me, sending beautiful butterflies flying around in my stomach.

I giggle, and the most gigantic smile I've ever given to anyone appeared on my face.

I really did need him more than anything else in my life right now.

Then, we walked in...

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