14.) Once Upon a Dream.

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R rated chapter, FYI.. ;)


My first day at work turned out to be great...

Robert kept on telling me how he had a funny story about my new job, but I had to wait until we got there, for him to tell me.. However, he didn't need to tell me, 'cause right when he entered the parking lot, I recognized it, the wooden sign, 'Coffee 'N Cookie Café.' It just so happened to be the little 'hole in the wall' café, Downey took me after the trip to the ER... What a small world, right?

My boss' name is, Harmony. I guess she had been an aspiring actress, about ten years ago... Now she has owned this coffee/breakfast, shop for almost five years, now.

She is a very sweet lady, I instantly got along with her. She has my kinda sense of humor, so considering Harmony's my boss, I got really lucky on this one. Plus, Robert and Harmony knew each other, apparently quite well. Robert must come in here a lot. Robert got us both laughing before he left, so that also helped me get along with her even more.

Harmony and I were the only ones working on my first day. I guess she had about three employees.. A cook and a waitress for the afternoon/evening shift, and now, me for the morning shift, waitress.

Harmony showed me the works around the tiny café, which was pretty simple.

She eventually would like me to become more of a cook and make coffee, so she didn't have to do so much. For now, she would still cook a little and make the coffee, which soon enough, she would teach me how. Even though, I knew I could do that on my first day, but she's the boss.


The days passed by quickly.. It was, Friday, already.

My eye lids flutter open, from my deep sleep, filled with vivid dreams, as usual.. I roll over and see a dozen red roses in a beautiful, crystal, vase, standing upon the night stand. I reach over to it and open the folded piece of paper, attached to the beautiful, bouquet.

"Happy Valentine's day, my Rose.
-Your Secret Admirer."

Downey is such a dork, I roll back over and see him asleep on his back, fully clothed, as he lightly snored. Each time he would exhale it sounded like a deep purr from a cat. It was quite adorable.

I wrap my arm around him and kiss him, delicately on his sharp jaw line.

His eyebrows raise, right before his eyes flicker open.

"Damn, did I fall asleep?"

"Clearly." I giggle at him.

"Shit, what time is it?"

"Um, almost nine.." I answer his question, as he wipes his eyes, and stretches his arms out.

"I wasn't out for too long, then." Downey turns his head, casting his stare in my direction.

"Morning, My Valentine." Downey smiles, getting up off the bed, flicking his hand through his, beautiful, brown locks, as the sunshine hit the side of his face in just the right angle, I could see his side burns turning a light gray. Somehow that contrast made, Downey look sexier.

"Good morning, Downey." I reply, stretching out my legs.. I could feel stinging pain shoot through my knee caps, again.. I've been ignoring it for about a year now.. It's not that bad.

"Now, who could my secret admirer be?" I giggle, gesturing my hand to the roses.

"Well... Son of a cock loving whore!! Who could that be!?" Downey shouts, and stomps his foot, as he quickly smiles.

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