35.) Interviewing The Lead Part 1

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Downey and I had met up with Perry at his mansion of a home, and we definitely had to convince Perry to let me come along to their office to talk to this man.. But, after much time Perry finally gave in and let me tag along.

Only under one circumstance, I had to stay as far away from this guy as possible while they "interviewed" him or whatever you want to call it. But I could still listen in on them.

Sounds fair enough to me.

Downey, Perry, and me had reached our destination. We're now walking up a small slope of stairs to a somewhat small building that is Perry and Downey's office.

Downey embraced me tightly before going into the office to meet up with the lead. I don't know the name of this stranger yet, so for now he's just the "lead" to me.

"Okay, let's do this Downey." I told him after a brief kiss.

"Hey, Scar..." Downey whispered.

"Yea?" I replied, twining my fingers in his.

"Don't get your hopes too high that this guy will have all the answers we have been searching for, okay? All we know at this point is he could just want to cuss us out."

"I know, Downey... But, you never know. Maybe he can at least throw us a bone, give us something." I squeezed Downey's strong hand, and I felt it become gittery. I looked up at his beautiful face but I could tell from his expression that he's anxious.. The cirlces below his eyes had started to look heavier and darker as each moment passed, and I wish I could say or do something to help him, even just a little.

"Downey, everything is going to be okay. Even if he doesn't have any answers, we'll figure it out." I tried to encourage him, I know he's antsy to solve this and has been working so damn hard...

I had just came to the conclusion that he's been the one encouraging and supporting me, where I have not been to him, and I'm sure he needs it from these long days and nights.

"You're a sweetheart, my Rose. I know, everything will be okay. Remember my promise to you?" Downey smiled, pecking me on top of my head.

"Of course, I do. How could I forgot your amazing words?"

"Good. Don't forget, 'cause I'm going to crack this case babe. I don't care what it takes."

We had reached the doors to their office and I had started sweating my ass off, along with my hands unbearably shaking like a earthquake had just hit my body.

Downey kissed the top of my hand, leaving it a bit moist where his lips had been, and clutched my hand gently before letting go.

"You're my queen." Downey whispered in my ear before following Perry into the office.

The way Downey had just said those words were in a harmonious whisper, leaving goosebumps that traveled through my skin.

And you are my king... I ached to reply and also to kiss and hug him tightly one more time before going in, but I had no time to reply back.

Perry had already started escorting me around the office and through a door that was a separate office from the one Downey and Perry would be in. I was already confused on how I'd even hear what was going on during the interview.

Perry's office was pretty extravagant.. A gigantic room with many file cabinets, a big desk, and about four chairs surrounding the desk.

Perry had decorated it looking as if someone had, "pimped his crib." Massive paintings on the wall that were quite frankly beautiful pictures. They all were mainly abstract paintings and a few scenery pictures of the ocean and sunsets. But then as my eyes bounced around to each painting I caught my eyes on one. I could feel the corners of my lips turn into a smile, staring at this painting that I found humorous but totally a Perry thing to do... It was a self portrait of Perry that had been painted of him.

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