Thank You!

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Drugs & Kisses is officially completed!! Omg!
(I should say, OMD! "Oh My Downey." He is in fact a God ;) )

I have mixed feelings about this story being over...
For one, I'm going to miss updating this story, and seeing all of your comments!
I am almost kinda sad it's completely done! This was my first story on WattPad, and it got so much more attention than I ever would have thought. 8k?! What?!

It's crazy and I love it! :) Thank you all!!! I couldn't have done this story without all of you beautiful readers!

Second, I'm happy that I actually finished this story. I wasn't sure if I'd actually wind up having time to update all of the chapters, but I did! Therefore, I'm glad I was able to achieve that, and so much more... And I've gained so many wonderful friends from joining WattPad. It's so amazing <3
So thank you for reading, voting, commenting, and all that you've done to help me and encourage me on. I can't express my gratitude for all of my readers. A million times, thank you!!

I'm just going to briefly speak of the "opening" I left in the last chapter of Drugs & Kisses. I did leave it open for a sequel, however, at this moment in time, I'm not positive if I will publish a sequel. I'm most definitely thinking about it!  I do have an idea in my mind, so we'll see if the next story eventually surfaces to write more about these characters... :)

Also, I still am writing other Downey fan fics. The Middle Realm is the only other story I have published for now. Check it out if you haven't already. :) However, I will have a new story up soon!! I just need to make a cover photo, and I'll have "My Brother's Best Friend" up for you to read. That's going to be a different one, but a fun one! :D

Anyway, I'm gonna wrap this up because I'm rambling and if you know me, you obviously know I can go on and on and onnnnn.... ;)

I have many people I need to thank and my first plan was to tag everyone of you that has helped me along the way, however Wattpad is not letting me tag everyone!! Ugh, so frustrating... Soooo, I'm going to try and tag you all in the comments! Because I really want you all to know how much you mean to me <3

So! Let's end this story with a bang! :D
Comment, comment, comment, comment!!! Haha, let's have a crap ton of comments. :P

I love all of you guys. Thank you again for being patient with how slow I update and still reading the story. You are all absolutely fabulous!!!!!

Lots & lots & LOTS

Infinity of X's and O's!

P.S. Raise your hand if you'd like a sequel (or just comment haha) It would encourage me to start on one if  you all would like that! <3

Drugs & Kisses (Robert Downey Jr)Where stories live. Discover now