18.) My Honey Bunny.

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I thought my heart was going to literally beat out of my chest, as I walked back to the door of our room.

My hands were violently shaking, as I slid the key into the door. I tried to shake it all off, and get my emotions under control before facing, Downey. I didn't even know what to say.

As I walked into the room, closing the door, silently behind me, just in case he was sleeping -- I didn't want to make too much noise. It had to be getting close to midnight, I would imagine. I sat outside in the hallway corner, at least an hour or so, before I had to face the truth...

Right when I entered the bedroom, I saw Downey spring off the bed, with a relieved look upon his tired, drooping eyes. He tried to smile, but I could see he was too shaken up to even do so.

"Scarlett, where have you been? I was becoming worried, when you didn't pick up your phone." Robert half smiles, placing his warm hands on both my shoulders, looking me in my eyes, that I'm sure were puffed up and bright red.

He immediately could tell I had been crying, well I'm sure someone who didn't even know me could tell I had been sobbing.

"I..I.. left my phone here." I stamper, pointing over to the night stand, where my phone was laying.

"Why... Why have you been crying?" Downey looks me up and down, very concerned.

"Uh.. Well, where do I begin?" I shrug, walking away from Downey's touch, to see if I had any messages or calls from my mother.

"What's that supposed to mean, Scarlett?" Downey asks, bewildered.

"I don't know, Robert..." I trail off, not knowing what to even say to him.

Should I pretend I never heard anything? I didn't know how to even go about dealing with this situation.

I read my phone over:

°Downey- 5 Missed Calls.

°Downey- 6 New Text Messages.

°Mom- 1 Missed Call.

°2 New Voice mails.

While I held my phone in my hand, there was no way of controlling my trembling hand, which left my phone shaking nonstop. Downey noticed this immediately.

"Why is your whole body quivering? Scarlett, honey.. Please talk to me." Robert states, as I feel his warm touch on my back, caressing me gently.

Scarlett, just tell him... Just tell him you heard. I tell myself over and over.

"Robert... I mean.. Uh, Downey.." I trail off, correcting myself, and unsure how to put this.

I am so out of my mind, at this point.

"Are you mad at me? I know you only call me Robert when you're mad, miss. Talk to me.. Don't push me out, sweetie. Tell me." Robert delicately tells me, and being so gentle and sweet..

His humorous words, and his sweet, sweet voice. How can I be mad at him, but how can I forget what he said to whoever that was on the phone?

I can't stop loving, Downey. It's absolutely impossible. Even after hearing him talk to whoever that was, to make me feel like he betrayed me, but then he talks to me and treats me so sweet. I'm having a difficult time being angry with him.

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