33.) You Make Me Smile.

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Days had turned into weeks and weeks had turned into one whole month...

Downey has been working day and night with this case, but we still have no actual evidence to file a report that would actually go anywhere on Jamie and James' extremely odd behavior from a month ago, on the matter of how my mother had got a hold of that drug.

Unfortunately, my mother had no recollection of the night or morning before she had gone into the hospital. She said she remembered waking up in the hospital bed, and earlier that night she had been watching cooking shows. Needless to say, she was no help to any of this either.

Today had been the first time in a week or so Downey was able to pick me up from work, and he surprised me by telling me he didn't have to go back to Perry's to work for the rest of the day, so he was all mine. We had one promise we both made to each other though, no discussing the case (unless it was absolutely necessary) while we were together and not working. We have no need to discuss or think about it while we're both at home, enjoying our time together anyway.

"I feel like I had to do something today or tomorrow? I've planned something this week, didn't I? Do you remember anything?" I asked Downey, searching my brain to remember what I had to do.

Eh, oh well. If I can't remember - it's probably not that important anyway.

"Hmm.." Downey tapped his index finger on his chin, making me smile at him.

I was overjoyed I got to spend the rest of this day with him. Obviously we did have some time together, but we haven't had much time. It would usually only be in the morning, chatting breifly on the way to work, and late in the night when he'd get home, and I'd be in bed watching a movie waiting for him. We would talk for a few minutes before we'd both pass out.

"I may know what you have to... do." Downey tells me, as we're both getting out of our work clothes and in something more comfy.

"Really? What?"

"Well... I know the number one thing on your, 'to do list' is me." Downey winked at me while he walked into the bathroom with some clothes in his hand.

"You wish.." I giggled underneath my breath, thinking he would have been unable to distinguish what I had just said, after he entered the bathroom.

Downey's head peeked out the doorway, giving me, "the eye" as he raised his brow and gave me a perplexed look.

"Don't deny the Downey love." He simply replied before turning back around.

I heard the bath water turn on, which meant a shower (obviously) and that always teased me.. Knowing Downey was in there taking a shower.

I sighed heavily to myself, realizing again, no I cannot deny the, "Downey love."
I started giggling while I started pulling my cotton shorts on.

"Hey, why are dressing?" I heard Downey's voice again, thinking he had already got into the shower.

"Because I don't want to run around the house naked." I chuckle.

"Come here..." Downey waved his hands, enticing me to come in there with him.

"Hmm.. No." I deviously smile, deciding it would be fun to play with him.

"Okay..." Downey's head drooped, as he moped (a very fake act, I may add.)

"You're such a faker!" I giggle.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Yeah, now we're bickering like children... Yes, we are quite mature.

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