27.) Suspicious.

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"Want me to go out there with you?" Downey asked, setting me back on my feet.

"Nah, I'll be okay. I may just have her stay so Perry and you can sit down and talk with her... Would that work?"

"I can call Perry and see what he thinks.." Downey replied, craning his neck from side to side, cracking it.

"Are you nervous, Downey?"

"No, not at all.. I feel like a zombie filled with caffeine though." Downey winked.

"I'm sorry... But, please don't eat my brains." I chuckled.

"Damn, you're so sweet though, I wanna nibble at your skin." Downey smirks.

"Mm... Okay, sounds like a fair deal." I smile, turning around to open the front door to go talk to my cousin.

"Wait! Scarlett..." Downey almost shouted.

"Mhhm?" I turn around back towards him, raising my eyebrow.

Downey spun me back around and it felt like he had just squeezed my ass.

"Hey, sparky! What --"

"Your shirt was scrunched up around your thighs, must have happened when I picked you up.. I didn't think you would want to go out there, showing your ass to the world." Downey chuckles.

"Thank you, Downey.. But, was the ass grabbing necessary?"

"What can I say? I never give up the opportunity to squeeze some tuchy." Downey shrugs, innocently..

"Ahh, yes.. Well, thank you for saving me some embarrassment." I giggled.

"No problem-o! Now, get that sweet booty outside if you wanna talk to Jamie!"

"Okay, okay! I'm goin'." I blew Downey a kiss and he winked, while puckering up his lips, making a kissing noise.

I closed the front door behind me, and I am surprisingly feeling really relaxed, considering I'm getting ready to talk to my insane cousin.

"Scarlett, thank you for coming out and talking to me! Really, thank you for giving me a chance." Jamie told me, speaking a mile a minute.

"What's up, Jamie?"

"I came here to apologize to you and also to Robert. I'm really sorry for how everything just.... happened!" Jamie seemed nervous, her voice was jittery and very hesitant with her words, and she spoke quite loudly.

"Oh.." I quietly replied, not expecting an apology quite like that.

What was I suppose to say, apologies accepted? No, because they weren't.. Do I tell her, Thank you? No because I'm not thankful for that... She's apologized before and obviously that didn't mean shit.

So, what am I suppose to say?

"I know, I've come here really early. I just wanted and needed to have a small talk with you. You changed your number so I couldn't get in touch with you through the phone. So, here I am! I really did need to talk to you in person anyhow." Jamie frantically told me, with her arms flailing around as she spoke.

"Okay..." I still had no words.. Was I possibly too relaxed?

Regardless, what is someone suppose to say to their relative that has back stabbed them numerous amounts of times, and then just shows up on your front door with an apology at eight in the morning??

"Jamie... Well, I appreciate the apologies... This still doesn't change the fact that you have screwed me over too many times to count, and please leave your sorry.. I don't want to hear a sorry for fucking me over. I'll appreciate the one you already said sorry for, which I'm guessing was the memorial service incident?" I finally had words come out of my mouth.

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