chapter 5

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Donatello pov:

I have no idea what had gotten into me. taking this girl was wrong, sure she might have been stupid to agree to bet to a game she has never played before but it was still wrong.

I stared at her while she slept curled into a ball, Miguel had wrapped a blanket round her when it had gotten cold.

This woman was doing something to me I couldn't no I wouldn't explain.

from the moment my eyes landed on hers I was instantly doomed. I needed to figure out what she could do. its not like I was short of staff or members.

I just wanted her to be near me.

I ignored Miguel blabbering on about stock and kept staring at her.

she would twitch from time to time. 'what are you dreaming of?' I want to say to her.

"Donatello are you even listening" I heard Miguel say from behind me. " we've landed. shall I wake her up" he said patting my shoulder.

"no, I'll do it" I said coolly. I unbuckled my belt starting to approach her when the male flight attendance came towards her.

I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him aside. " I'll take it from here" I said giving him an ugly smile.

maybe I should fire him.

I shook her firmly until she groaned awake.

Aleena slowly opened her eyes and when she saw me she instantly shot up giving me a hideous scowl.

I liked that she wasn't afraid of me, but that needed to change she needed to be afraid. I couldn't let anyone think I've gone easy. call it what you want but that's how it should be.

"good morning to you too" I grinned.

"fuck you" she said in a croaky voice.

I laughed at how she sounded "not in front of Miguel maybe when we get back to my home". this time she appeared shocked.

" the cars here" Miguel interrupted.

I still stood facing her with challenge in her eyes.

she stood up and moved passed me towards the plane door, she turned to look at the male flight attendance and smirked at him before she left the plane.

as I approached the door I looked at the attendance "your fired" was all I said then left heading to the car.

she was already inside her arms crossed facing the window the same as yesterday. I sighed and stepped inside.

Aleena's pov:

it took us three hours to get from the airport to his house throughout the whole ride I stayed quiet.

there were two guys standing outside on each side of the gate wearing full black suits. they nodded at the car and pressed a button to open the gates.

really, you need two men to open a gate.

there was a fountain with a cherub in the centre in the middle of the drive way. blood red rose vines climbed up the house if you'd even call it that. it was huge.

how many people live here?

we stopped in front of two large cream doors.

Donatello and Miguel exited the car while I stayed refusing to leave. "get out the car" Donatello sighed but I sat there with my arms crossed.

"I'm not doing this now" he growled and walked to my door. he opened my door looping his arm under my leg "what are you doing" I screeched when he picked me up.

" I'm tired and have things to do. Miguel open the door" he said walking towards the house doors.

I tried kicking him but he wouldn't nudge.

when we entered the house he let go causing me to land on my ass "ouch!" I screamed getting up but before I turned to scream at him, my eyes scanned the place.

there was onyx double staircase with a chandelier hanging. there was a circular table placed in the centre with the same coloured roses from outside in the middle of the table. the floor was marble white like the walls.

this place was breath taking.

"DONATELLO!" I heard from the staircase.

I looked up and saw a mini female version of Donatello but she had dark brown hair instead of black, they had the same colour eyes but where as his face was clear, she had freckles all round her face and rosy cheeks.

she appeared to be 15-16 years old "cosa ti ha fatto perdere così tanto tempo" she yelled running down the stairs.

"English" he replied nodding towards me.

"who's this" she questioned.

he turned to face me and smirked "your new baby sitter". her face dropped and so did mine.

he dragged me all this way to be a baby sitter is he- "are you serious" she said gawking " I'm old enough to look after myself" she crossed her arms over her chest.

he only shrugged and walked upstairs "show her to a guest room and I'll deal with this when I wake up"

he leaned on the railing then walked away disappearing from site. the girl rolled her eyes and gestured me to follow her. she pointed at a door.

"here you are" she looked at me up and down disgusted.

I was still wearing the dress from last night. I thanked her and entered the room.

I threw myself onto the bed and cried myself to sleep.

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