chapter 10

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Aleena pov:

Lucia had offered to help me with the new clothes that I was given. We chatted about nonsense while sorting them out, from our favourite TV shows to our favourite food.

I was starting to find it easier to talk to her and thought this would not turn out to be as bad as I thought it would.

It was nearly 8pm when once we were done when we both headed downstairs, straight to the dining room where Miguel and Donatello sat speaking to one another.

They both looked up when we entered, one giving us a huge grin while the other only stared.

Feeling uneasy, I quickly went to sit next to Miguel while Lucia sat next to her brother.

A dish of meat and vegetables with potatoes laid in front of me while 'can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presley played in the background.

I turned to face Miguel unable to look at the man sat in front of me.

"thank you again for the clothes" I said giving him a small grin.

He returned the smile "no problem".

We all sat there in utter silence, feeling awkward I look at Lucia "what time do you start school".

"9am" she said munching on the potatoes and the awkward silence returned.

I could feel his intense stares as I bit into the meat, making me move uncontrollably in my seat.

Miguel cleared his throat turning to me "so what did you do in Las Vegas" he questioned trying to make small talk.

"well, I worked in a small bookstore near my apartment."

"you like reading?" I heard from across the table. I turned to look at Donatello his face masked from any emotion.

"urm yes" I stumbled on my words feeling my face heat.

"what type of books do you enjoy" he said raising a brow. "Romance" I said with a simple shrug trying to cut the meat in front of me.

"what kind of romance" he slouched down on his chair, crossing his arms giving me his full attention. "it doesn't matter really" I lied.

I was not going to tell him that I preferred books filled with smut and absolutely no plot to them.

He carried on staring at me, a slow smirk forming on those perfect lips.

"I 'm going to sleep" Lucia announced cleaning her mouth with a napkin.

She got up to leave. "Goodnight" she said to all of us and we replied 'goodnight' in unison.

We all returned to our food, clouded by the silence that came back with Lucia departure.

From time to time Donatello would speak to Miguel in Italian leaving me out of the conversation which I didn't mind at all. I just didn't want the quietness to return.

"I should probably go and help Angelina tuck the kids into bed". He announced placing down his cutlery.

"you have kids?" I questioned. I didn't know he was married. "I sure do" he grinned looking between me and Donatello and his grin grew even widder.

"goodnight" I said to him.

He nodded and began to make his way out of the dining room leaving just me and Donatello.


We both sat there in silence.

Not one of us speaking.

I gathered all the courage inside of me and asked, "would it be possible if I would two jobs to try and pay you off".

Both his brows rose. "oh" he said, "and why would you want a second job?".

My heart began to speed up "by the time I finish paying you off, I'd be forgotten by everyone I know"

not like a knew a lot of people just wanted an excuse to get out here as quickly as possible.

"hmmmm" he said spreading he legs wider getting comfortable.

"how about this, we play again. If you beat me, I will let you go," he began sorting out his tie, straightening it. After he was done, he looked back to me.

"you can choose when to play, it can be anytime you like" he sat straight; he began to stand moving to where I sat.

he pulled my chair around until I faced him causing a small gasp to leave my mouth.

"whenever I want?" I said raising a brow "and you'll just let me go if I win".

He nodded "that's what I said, but" his head dropped, looking at his shoes. "if I win. I want something from you".

My mouth opened a little "what is that you want" I questioned.

He put his hands into his pockets "we'll see. Do we have a deal" he said leaning his hand towards me.

I hesitated for a moment, winning could mean my freedom, my ticket out of here.

But, if I lose, I owe him something, I did not want to think about that but a part of me felt excited playing this game.

If you had asked me this a few days back a would have refused but something inside of me now wanted to rebel.

I wanted to free myself from I cage I built myself.

I let out a long sign and extended my arm "deal".

Donatello pov:

I wouldn't have thought she would agree to this, thought she might have learnt her lesson from the first time, but I guess not.

I little light glowed deep inside me when she agreed. I was waiting for the blow of her telling me no, but she surprised me when she reached out her arm to reach my hand. 

Shortly after the deal, Aleena went to her room both agreeing not to play today while I lingered in the dinner room trying to sort out the mess I have made.

I headed towards my office trying to plan the meeting with Viktor that was going to happen in a week, but my mind lingered to the woman 4 doors down.

"fuck" I muttered under my breath moving to the mini bar and grabbing a glass of whiskey accepting the way it burned down my throat as I gulped it down in one swig.

I returned to my seat trying to concentrate on the bratvas arrival.

I shook my head trying to erase her from my mind while I planned on how to keep everyone safe from the man who was about to enter my home.

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