Chapter 26

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Aleena's POV:

I woke up to Donatello gone, there were no trace of him around the room, the only piece of him that lingered was the scent of him on the bed.

I groaned in my pillow. Yesterday wasn't meant to happen, but the sight of him standing behind me all dressed in black pressed something inside of me that needed him close.

Rolling off the bed I bounced towards the bathroom doing my business. I brushed my teeth and washed my face also brushing out the knots in my hair.

Everyone must be down having breakfast I thought. I quickly jumped into a light grey dress and ran my way towards the dinning room.

Walking in to find Lucia and her mother sitting across from each other. Donatello sat at the head of the dinning table looking prestige like always. The atmosphere in the room almost suffocating.

Once they heard my footsteps, they all lifted there heads watching me as I walked to sit next to Lucia like I had always done.

"Good morning Lucia" I smiled at her.

"Morning" she returned her smile with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Good morning" I faced their mother. She gave me a small nod before returning to her meal.

I turned to Donatello who was too focused on his  IPad. "And good morning to you" I quickly said to him grabbing a couple of pancakes.

He made a small gruff noise acknowledging my presence, while he scrolled through whatever he was looking at.

I was expecting a better reaction but brushed it off, I would speak to him later.

"Is there anything you want to do today" I murmured to Lucia seen as though everyone was ignoring each other.

"Sure" focusing on her food. "What do you have planned".


"So what is it you do Aleena" their mother interrupted. Everyone turning to look at her.

"She doesn't have to answer anything to you" Donatello spoke for me.

"I only want to get to know the woman who's looking after my children" she said as a matter of fact.

" I take care of Lucia" I swear I told her this yesterday.

"Before that" waving her hand around.

"I used to work at a bookstore" I grinned remembering the memories I've had in that small store.

"How did you go from working in a bookstore to looking after a seventeen year old" she coaxed a brow.

"Change of plans" I tried making up answers on the spot.

"You're from America right?" Her expression droll.


"How did you get all the way here? In Italy" she was on to something.

Someone slammed there mug on the table jolting my body.

"That's enough" Donatello snarled at his mother. "You don't get to question her only I do. Do you understand" he said it more as a command.

"Fine" she clipped returning to her plate.

"I heard you were getting married" she smiled down.

My body stiffened. I knew About the deal he was considering with viktor, but it always surprised me every time someone brought it up.

I felt his penetrating gaze as those words flittered around the room. I couldn't look at him so I focused my eyes on Lucia. Who sat more silent than usual.

"Who told you" he questioned.

"Lucia, but don't blame her it accidentally slipped out her mouth while we were talking, isn't that right dear"

"Sorry" she murmured under her breath, the look of  guilt displayed for everyone to see.

"It's alright" I spoke for Donatello before he could say anything. I'm sure that woman tried to get it out of her daughter. Lucia wasn't the type to share information easily with anyone unless they knew the situation before hand.

She was a reserved type of person. The only person I had seen her open up to was Antonio and he was no longer here.

I reached to grab her hand, giving it a tight squeeze. Ignoring the way her mother stared at me.

"That's none of your business" Donatello returned to the conversation.

"The only reason for you being here is for Lucia and Lucia only don't butt into my business" with that he got up heading out of the dinning room.

We all watched him leave.

The next person to leave was his mother, stating she needed to rest due to her illness.

All that was left was me and Lucia "are you alright" I asked getting up to clear the table.

"Fine" she got up to help.

"You sure" I asked one more time"

"Yep" the P popped out of her mouth.

"How about we go for a walk?"

Me and Lucia walked near the stream, the only sound was the water flowing by.

"When do you plan on leaving?" Was the first questioned she had asked.

Both my brows rose up "I didn't know you wanted me gone so soon" teasing her.

"Oh no" she sounded startled " I don't want you to leave at all. I want to stay here forever if I'm quite honest"

My body paused " you want me to stay?" my mind confused.

She lifted a shoulder " I enjoy your company, more than others and my brother seemed to be home more then normal"

Lucia let out a shaky laugh, as though she remembered something. " he's never been home this much since my papa passed away".

I small frown appeared on my face " when he marries Nadya you wouldn't need me you'll have her"

My heart ached saying those words. I knew when Donatello married, his wife obviously wouldn't want me around so I'd be on the next flight home. Yet it stung.

"I know" she mumbled.

"Come on it looks like it's going to rain" I looked up.

She gave me a small nod and we were in our way back inside.

Looking up I found Lucia's and Donatello's mother watching us a we made it inside, her hands fisted on her sides.

The look of pure disgust marking her features as we made it inside.

Don't worry I wanted to go tell her the feelings mutual.

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