Chapter 23

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Aleena POV:

I didn't have time to process what was going on.
One minute we were all sat down watching Lucia opening up  gifts, the next thing I knew Miguel and Donatello shot up pointing there guns at the woman standing near me.

My eyes grew wide, noticing the rage that stormed Donatello's expression, his arms flexing as he gripped the gun.

I was terrified of that face. It wasn't the face I saw last night, it wasn't kind or gently. But was meant to haunt people in their sleep.

"Get the fuck out" he boomed, the words echoing around the room.

"That's no way to speak to your mother now is it" her lips cracking into a grin, heels scraping on the floor whilst she walked towards him.

A click came from Donatello's gun " you take one more step and I'm putting a bullet through your head" he snarled.

"Short tempered" she sighed "just like your father" spitting out the last word.

What had happened between them.

"Say what you want and leave"

"Can't I see my children"

Lucia, shit she has never met her mother. I turned to look at her expression. She was stone white her eyes looking from Donatello then her mother.

"You lost that privilege 17 years ago, leave" Donatello gritted out.

"Mother" we all whipped our heads towards the gentle voice.

There mothers eyes grew as she laid them on Lucia scanning her body from head to toe "Lucia" she gasped.

"My word, you have grown" she tried moving towards her but couldn't from the gun that rested at the back of her head.

"Don't think about it"

"Donatello don't be ridiculous I'm your mother" a speck of panic coated her words.

Donatello let out a dark laugh " you have no right to use that word".

"Now I'll ask you this once and once only what. The fuck. Are you doing here" digging the front of the gun deeper into her head.

"Donatello" I whispered, still standing near the door.

He turned to look in my direction, a hideous snarl still planted on his face.

Don't I mouthed to him, but he ignored me focusing more on his mother.

"I'm dying" she finally said, no longer confidant.

"I have cancer, my doctor doesn't know how long I have left, but I don't have long left I'm dying"


"It's not" she quickly resorted "I have proof"

"That still doesn't answer my question" Donatello finally lowered his gun. He took a deep breathe, then moved next to Lucia. He grabbed her shoulder pulling her in closer, showing his mother they didn't need her, they never did.

I resented her, what mother leaves there children, especially in the world they grew up in. My mother had been no better yet she never left.

" I wanted to spend some time with my children before I left" she pulled her lips up into a shaky smile.

"And you expect me to let that happen" Donatello scoffed. "get out!"

"No" Lucia said surprising us all.

She removed herself away from Donatello, making her way to her mother.

" I want to spend some time with her" she said this whilst staring at the woman in front of her.


"Please Donatello, give me this as a birthday present" her lips pouting as she mumbled the words.

Donatello stood looking back and forth at his mother then Lucia.

" you have a month" his teeth grinding together.

"Thank you" his mother sighed.

"You're thanking the wrong person, don't expect anything from me"

"I won't" her gaze returning back to her daughter.

"Miguel, get someone to remove aleena's things from her room and move them into mine".

"Wait what" I said utterly confused.

"Alright. angelina" Miguel replied to him. Miguel then turned to look at his wife " I think it's time to go" he said holding up his arm.

Angelina nodded making her way to her husband "I'll see you soon" she smiled at me. Both of them leaving the room.

"Donatello what are you talking about" I crossed my arms over my chest ignoring his mother's and Lucia's presence.

"My mother will take your room, so you'll be moving in with me, is that clear" he arched a brow. I could tell his patience was wearing thin.

"You have guests rooms I could move in too" I complained.

"It's none negotiable aleena get used to it" he said before storming out.

"Ass" I muttered under my breathe.

I looked up to find both Lucia and her mother staring at me.

"What's going on between you and my brother" Lucia said narrowing her eyes.

"Nothing" I quickly replied.

"Don't lie to me"

"I'm not" I moved towards her going in for her hug when her mother stepped in front of me.

"Who are you" her mother said looking down at me. She had a disdained look on her face.

I rose my head not letting her stare get to me "I'm aleena, I look after your daughter" giving her a small grin.

"That's not what I asked, who are you" she coxed her brow "and who are you to my children"

You have no right to call them that, you've never been there for them what makes you think you have the privilege.

"A friend" I said before leaving to find Donatello.

I found him sitting slouched on his bed, his head hung under his shoulders as he stared at the floor, his expression completely blank.

"Are you alright" I moved towards him, sitting beside him.

"What do you want aleena" he sighed looking up to meet my eyes.

"To help you" I shrugged " and I don't think moving in with you is any help"

"Aleena your not going to change my mind"

"Why not, why, when there are spare rooms" I shook my head.

"Easy access" he threw those words carelessly. His expression bored.

"What makes you think it'll happen again" I arched my brow. Anger boiling inside me.

"I know it will" he smirked.

"Screw you Donatello" I snapped standing up.

"You already did that" he laughed shooting sparks down to my core.

"I'll be out here soon enough don't hold your breathe" moving towards the door, but a firm hand wrapped around my wrist.

"We'll see about that".

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