Chapter 36

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Aleena's POV:

My head throbbed with every passing minute I stayed on this plane. I don't know how I got here, I didn't even know how I got out. If I had figured this was along time ago I wouldn't have been home.

But I wasn't free, I was bound in a ropes. My legs and arms stuck together burning from the thick material tightly scaring my wrists.

It was enough that I had been through this once, I wasn't expecting it another time. Talk about deja vu.

"You just had to get in the way" viktors crude voice sighed whilst he sat besides me. His arms crossed over his chest.

"Let me go" i pulled on the rope, another burn.

"Hey it wasn't suppose to be you" he said as if it was supposed to make me feel better " Lucia would have been a better option but you had to open that beautiful mouth leaving me no choice"

My heart clenched like a fist in my chest. The thought of Lucia being in the hands of this man sent bile up my throat.

"Might as well get comfortable"


Donatello POV:

1 year later**

I searched everywhere.

Beginning with las Vegas, if there was one place she would go it would be home, but when we barged in there was nothing but of dust.

The wheels in my head had been turning for days, weeks, months trying to figure out where she could possibly be hiding. I constantly looked back the security cameras that were placed outside but someone had moved them into a blind spot.

next were the guards that night, no one ha seen her leave but then again she could have covered herself up well that she was barely noticeable.

this had been driving me mad for one fucking year.

one year of restless nights. the smell of her perfume clung onto to my pillow which sent a rile of emotions through me.

Lucia was no better. every morning her face grew pink and puffy. her eyes so swollen I'm surprised she could see where she was going. I tried asking her questions, tried to get an understanding but she said nothing. I hadn't realised how attached she must have gotten to her.

"I've called for a doctor to check up on you" I announced on the dinning room table. watching my mothers face falter. "you've seem to be fine these past couple of months, almost as if you cured yourself from cancer"

"don't be ridiculous Donatello" she forced out a laugh "there's no need for a check up, I accepted my fate the moment"

"but I insist"

she began to fidget under my stare. I had let this go on for far too long. her stay here was well over due. from time to time i would hear her late night calls, the terror in her words before she ended the call.

her constant pressure to move the wedding forward and the hushed whispers she would give Lucia. Enough way enough.

"He'll be here at 4, Lucia show him to her room" I stood up from my seat "I'll be gone late" announcing before making my way out.


"Did you find anything" I asked the name sitting in front of me. The familiar stare and slumped pose.

"I've tracked Viktors moves" Antonio made known " his moves has become more stiff and calculated, if it's anyone who has her it's most likely him"

I leaned back in my chair "what else"

"His men have been seen going in an out of a warehouse" he carried on "at first we thought that's where they stored supplies but something about it wasn't right. We found them escorting Nadya there once"

"Why would she have any involvement in her brothers business? It didn't make sense"

I remained focused on the wall in front of me try to come up with some conclusion. She wouldn't have ran. That was my first, with no more of form of transportation she wouldn't get very far.

But what I didn't understand is why he would have her, if it was to torment me it surely worked. But there was more than that.

"I want more men around the warehouse and a report by next week, if he's holding her their that's where we'll strike first"


Aleena's POV:

I've been trapped inside this box for nearly a year.

Nothing but the damp floor and metal walls to keep me company. It didn't help that it smelled of burning flesh and bile.

Viktor would visit once a week to 'check up' on me when really he would interrogate me about Donatello and whatever business he had planned.

Every time I told him I was never apart of whatever he was up to it would earn me a slash on my back or cuts on my fingers.

The sound of heels echoed in the empty box. My body rang up the moment I found Nadya staring at me with a bag in one hand a phone in the other.

"Anything?" I murmured trying to hold on the tears hoping for a different answer this time but she shook her head.

"I'm sorry" she regretted to inform me. It was the same as yesterday and the day before that. No one had seen him, no one would let me see him.

Nadya reached her hand out bringing the bag towards me "I got you Advil like you asked" she turned her head around to see if anyone was listening. When the warehouse was clear she crouched down besides me.

"I figured a way to escape" she said in a hushed tone.

The first time she came to visit was to help me, but then it turned into regular visits. Giving me news about what's happening at home. It turns out you don't judge someone without knowing what's really going on behind the walls your supposed to feel safe in.

"I'm going to kill viktor" she whispered in case anyone was hearing her.

"Are you crazy" I whisper yelled "I'm fine with planning a way out without any blood shed"

She scoffed at my words " you think we were going to get out here peacefully?"

Yes I was but I stayed silent listening to watch she had to say.

"I'm tired of my brothers backward thinking, how he controls every aspect and decision, I was planning on leaving on my own.. before the wedding" she paused. "But I have a better plan".

"Are you sure about this?" I hesitated.

"100%. I'll get to leave out of here and you'll get to see your son".

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