Chapter 44

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Donatello's POV:

He was bound, all his limbs were tightly wrapped around the arms and legs of the chair while two of my men stood behind him pointing their guns to the back of his head.

"Get me out of here, you son of bitch" Viktor ground his teeth at my entrance. His face already blooded up by the beating Luca had given him before he arrived.

I moved closer to him enough that I stood towering over his pathetic flesh "I have a better plan" I gently spoke trying to keep the anger inside buried.

Viktor briefly rose his head "you'll pay for this" before dropping it between his shoulders.

"I don't think you'll be alive for that promise to play out" moving to grab a thin rod.

He let out an ugly laugh "if you're going to kill me, you better do it now".

I returned to stand in front of him twisting the metal thing between my fingers "that wouldn't be any fun. No. I'll make sure you get the death you deserve."
"I'll start off with your fingers until you can no longer feel them, seen as though that's what you did to Aleena it's only fair.

Grabbing his strapped arm, I pulled him hand up facing upwards and raised the rod that it made a whistle on its way down connecting with his fingers.

He let out a loud grunt keeping in his screams and I wouldn't stop until he did.

I did it again and again and again unable to stop even when his screams began, even when his hands no longer fought my grip. All I could think about was her, how she had endured all this because of me.

Finally I stopped "untie him" I commanded both the men standing behind Viktor. Once they had done that I informed them to strip off his shirt and turn him around.

I moved to the wall and grabbed a thin metal chain "this is for her back". As soon as I felt the metal on my fingers, I slashed his back. His cry of pain bringing me joy with every blood splat, every time I could hear his flesh ripping apart.

After I was done, you could no longer see his back covered him blood and skin hanging loose.

His body finally gave out hanging loose on my men's hands.

"Let him go" I heaved stretching my fingers.

His body lay on the floor for a couple of minutes until I finally heard him groan in pain and when I did, my legs moved to his direction instantly landing him a blow in his mouth.

I didn't stop there. My foot wouldn't stop kicking him from his head all the way down his groin.

A hand touch my shoulders and only then did I stop to see who it was.

Nadya stood behind me looking at her brothers unrecognisable face in distain "I think that's enough".

I shook of her hand and turned him gave back to Viktor who appeared to be opening his eyes.

I went for another blow but the sound of a gun rang out aiming towards his head that I could no longer hear his heavy breathing.

"Enough" she said with a stern voice.

Aleena's POV:

I sat on my bed like I had always done and stared at the wall in front of me.

The same wall I had been staring at for the past week and 3 days. Nothing changed, it was the same white wall.

Lucia had come in for a while talking about her school and in a way it helped me forget. Made me feel like what happened a year ago never happened. That it was all a nightmare, but when I heard masons cries it all came back and I was back in my small hole I buried myself in.

I hadn't seen or heard from Donatello ever since that day and body seemed to have calmed down but a part of me always knew he was lurking in this damned house.

Someone knocked on my door and my head whipped at the sound.

"Come in" I whispered.

My mind couldn't process who I was seeing at the threshold. Nadya stood with a bouquet of flowers and a gift back " you don't mind if I come in".

I always thought that Nadya left after dropping me off in Italy, that she decided to start a mew life in a new country and left ever behind, but she was here in front of me, her eyes sprinkling with remorse.

"How is he" she mumbled walking towards the chair.

"I thought you left" I questioned trying to figure out where she's been.

She let out a small chuckle "no I've been here, I mean I didn't really get a choice to leave Italy, baby daddy wouldn't let me leave".

There was a silent pause.

"Did you name him yet" Nadya spoke.

I gave her a small smile "I did" looking down my child "I named him after my father. Mason"

"I'm going to miss this guy" she murmured "I need to go back to Russia"

"What about... what about"

"He's dead" she cut my off "you don't need to worry about him anymore, I promise"

My tense body eased at the news. My eyes began to swell up with tears but I held them in with everything inside. "Thank heaven" i praised. "What are you going to do now?"

"The only thing I can do" she grinned "I'm going to become the next bratva leader" she said it with pride laced into her words.

"Well I wish you the best of luck" was all I could say. I didn't know what you said to someone when they claimed up in criminal ranking.

Nadya laughed "thanks I guess. Best of luck to you too I suppose. I hope you can finally be happy"

"We can only dream" I spoke more to myself than her.

She walked towards me planting a small kiss on masons forehead before turning towards me "you might not forget what happened, but you will heal and if you want to do that you have to let them in. I did and so can you" she paused for a moment before she carried on " Donatello isn't a great guy but he's trying and I know you may never forgive him, but hear him out. He is masons father after all".

Water wouldn't stop streaming from my eyes when she moved away to leave. "goodbye Aleena"

"goodbye Nadya

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