Chapter 34

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Aleena's POV:

I could feel his stare throughout the whole dance. The way they darkened with every turn I took with Noah. My back shivered from his cold penetrating gaze.

Soon enough Donatello left and my body slumped with relief. Noah noticed the change "are you alright?" he questioned as we took our last spin. I gave him a small nod thanking him for the dance then left to find where Lucia had gone.

the garden doors were open, so I decided to check their first. I wondered for a couple of moments before finally giving up and deciding it was time to check inside but then I heard low mumbling noises coming from a brush.

"well, I did what you asked" a low feminine voice argued. I crept closer to see who owned the voice and found Donatello's mother conversing with A man.

"that's not enough, he wont simply give up information, I need his hard drive" he resorted gripping onto her forearm "if you get that to me i'll". The man instantly turned his eyes narrowing as he scanned the surroundings.

I hid behind the bush trying to hold my breath.

"someone's listening, do what we say and everything will be fine" the deep voice instructed before hearing the low crunches of the grass heading a different direction.

I let out a huge breath of relief thanking the stars I wasn't caught. My conscious wouldn't clear what I heard whilst I walked inside trying to shake off the jitters.

If only I looked at the man she was speaking too, I would have been able to describe him to Donatello, maybe he would have figured him out.

Inwardly cursing myself, I returned back to the party still on the hunt for Lucia but she was no where in sight.

Leaving the room, I decided to walk around the house, the loud noise was getting to my head and the dress is so tight I can barely breath in it .

When I wore it, I only had one thing in mind and that was to send a message to Donatello. A way to tell him, I didn't need him anymore, I never did.

My legs carried me all the way to the gaming room. It was empty when I walked inside, nothing but the smell of old whiskey and burnt cigarettes.

The sound of the door clicked and I instantly turned.

Donatello stood in front of me, his eyes sweeping up and down the length of my body whilst I did the same to him.

Dressed in his Versace suit, everything from his bow tie to his waxed black shoes screamed power and lust and a part of me could never stop admiring that of him no matter the situation.

He took a step closer while I took one back. A small grin twitched his lips with every move. "Why are you walking away from me" he coaxed one brow.

"I'm not" I gulped my words. One step forward another back.

"Is that so?" another step forward "your going to hit the shelf" he warned approaching closer and I moved further until I indeed hit the shelf behind me, the shelves digging my back.

Donatello's body finally paused in front of me close enough I got a whiff of his dark musty wood scent shooting a surge of pleasure down to my core.

"Now Aleena, let's talk"

"There's nothing to talk about" I resorted.

"Let's see. How about we start with this" a hand travelled up my thigh reaching the hem of the dress "what on earth made you think you could wear a fuck me dress? Hmm" tugging the small fabric down revealing the lumps of my breast.

"It's not a fuck me dress" I breathed out reaching his hand to move it, but he only held onto it moving it inside the slit of my dress.

"It's definitely a fuck me if I can do this" his hot breath hitting my neck. Donatello's moved my hand to my pussy grabbing it with my hand underneath causing me to hold onto it.

I tried to move my hand but he only gripped onto it tighter that I couldn't stop the small moan that released between my teeth.

"Only I get to hear your moans" he growled into my ear. "If I find out another man touched you even looked in your direction, I'd drag him all the way back and kill him in right in front of your eyes and after I've done that I'm going to fuck you on his blood until the only thing you remember is my name on those lips" biting my earlobe.

Oh, god. I was melting in his hands, the instinct to lean in closer so tempting. But I shook my head remembering that this was his day. His engagement party.

"Let go Donatello" I urged "this is your engagement party have some respect for your fiancé" I snapped pushing away his hand until he eventually let go.

"And for the matter of speaking, you don't need to explain anything. You shouldn't need to explain I'm only your prisoner after all. It's only a matter of time before I leave."

"Over my dead body" he declared making it out of the question.


He gripped onto my waist so tight I knew it'd leave a mark behind.

"Don't for a second think I'm letting you go that easily Tesoro mio" he scolded " I decide when you leave. Not you, me and that's not happening anytime soon."

I pushed his chest pulling him away "then why?" I questioned honestly " you got engaged, you decided that and no one else, so why keep me. So your wife can resent me? So she can find ways to get rid of me when your not around. I'm sorry Donatello but this isn't my world it's yours and there is no way I would ever fit in as much as you want to try, it's not gonna happen"

He stood silent for a moment thinking. His grip on my waist easing "it's not what you think" he whispered "give me time and I'll explain everything".

"I don't have time, I have a life and I sure as hell want to live it with no regrets. It's time for you to let me go"

" I said this before and I'm not saying it again. I'm never going to let you go" he continually argued.

"You should" I pulled his arm away, heading towards the door. I turned to face him one more time " it's only a matter of time we both realise that this was all a mistake"

And with that, I strode out the room, leaving him alone.

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