Chapter 20

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Donatello pov:

The night ran smoothly as guests settled in and began conversation in groups.

Some of my loyal men and their wives came up to wish Lucia a happy birthday, handing her gifts and talked about how big she had gotten.

Some of the men's gazes lingering longer then they should have, looking over my shoulder to the woman who stood behind me.

I wanted to rip out every man eyes who looked at her with lust.

Shortly after the best wishes, Lucia wondered of to a group of her closest friends while Aleena remind behind me feeling out of place.

I turned to speak with her but was interrupted by a few of my men coming up to speak to me.

Once they had finished blabbering on about potential business deals, i turned around to find Aleena has wondered off.

Fucking great

Aleena POV:

I made my way to the gardens, away from the noise and laughter that echoed the house.

Stepping outside I was met with the peaceful stream of the river and the stars that coated the night. The sound of the house now low murmurs.

I looked around and found someone sitting on a bench, so I walked towards them wanting the company.

I found Antonio slouched on the bench smoking a cigarette.

He turned and noticed me heading towards him, giving me his small wolffish grin he normal saved for Lucia.

"Hello" he said as I sat next to him.

"Hi" I replied back to him, giving him a gentle smile.

He pulled out a small rectangular box from his tuxedo " could you give this to her" he said reaching out the box for me to grab.

I nodded taking the box and placing it on my lap.

We both sat there in silence, the sound of celebration in the back. One we clearly weren't a part of.

" why doesn't Donatello want you near Lucia" the question bubbled inside me.

He huffed out a laugh resting his head on the edge of the bench.

" because I'm an unwanted bastard" I saw the bob in his throat.

" I'm sure your wanted" I reassured him.

He shook his head. " I wasn't wanted by the man I call my father what makes you think the people in there want me".

"Why" I said a bit too quietly.

"Look at me" he simply said.

"We may be in the 21st century but the mafia never change. There still racist, homophobic, sexist. Sure Donatello and Lucia aren't but what makes you think the rest aren't" he looked at me.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, it's the man I call my father who needs to apologise" he sighed.

"What did he do" I asked not sure if I should.

" that bastard killed the only thing I cared about" he voice growing aggressive.

"My mother had done nothing to him yet he put a bullet between her eyes, while he forced me to watched."

My stomach dropped " oh god"

"Is that why your here?" I said trying to hide the pity in my voice. I know I wouldn't want to feel the pity of a stranger so why should he.

"I'm here because I killed my fathers best client" he grinned as if remembering.

" but I guess I'll have to return to the sorry excuse of flesh" his voice grew angrier.

"What?! Why"

"Donatello" was all he said before getting up.

" I should go, I came here to give her the present" he sighed adjusting his jacket. "Give her a kiss on the cheek from me?"

I nodded unable to respond

" it was nice meeting you Aleena,  maybe you could give that heartless fool a beating organ."

He bent down to kissed my cheek, making his way out the garden.

I stared at my lap looking at the small gift on my lap.

Getting up I made my way back to the party, dodging as many unwanted stares as possible.

I made my way up and placed Antonio's gift on Lucias bed, thinking it would be best if she opened his gift in private.

Returning back to the noise downstairs I lingered for a while trying to look for Donatello, when that didn't  work out I found Angelina sat on a chair surrounded by women.

She spotted me making my way towards her " Aleena" she said trying to get up, but with her swollen stomach she found it difficult.

"Please don't get up for my sake" rushing to grab her.

"Nonsense" she flapped my hands away, placing kisses on the side of my cheek.

"How are you" she smiled grabbing my hand.

"Great and you" I said looking down at her bump.

She rolled her eyes "waiting mi amor"

The women around us began whispering to each other making me uncomfortable.

"I should find Lucia" murmuring under my breathe trying to get away from them.

Before Angelina could protest I made my way out of the crowd standing near a corner.

After a couple of hours later guests began leaving one by one all saying there goodbyes too each other.

My eyes lingered at the guests looking around until I was met with blue icy stare.

Butterflies danced in my stomach, as his gaze penetrated my own, saying his goodbye to the guest without looking at them.

I began making my way up the stairs to my room. Deciding to take a cold shower.

After 20 minutes I was done deciding to leave my hair dry.

The sound of a knock came from my room.

I wrapped my robe tight around my waist and made my way to open in.

Where Donatello stood, his eyes travelling my body.

"Hello" the word coming out shaky.

He didn't say anything only stepped forward until he pounced me with a kiss.

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