Chapter 21

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In this chapter there will be a lot of sexual interactions, if you don't feel comfortable with reading it scroll towards the stars.

Aleena POV:

I didn't have time to process what was going on when his mouth ambushed my own.

My eyes wide open as he devoured every part of my lips.

He entered my room further and further slamming the door shut with his foot.

I couldn't wrap my head around what was happening, one minute I was preparing to go to sleep, the next thing I knew Donatello grabbing my cheeks devouring me with his tongue.

"Stop, stop, stop" I barely let out, patting his chest away.

Donatello released my lips, but kept his hands planted on my cheeks. "Yes, Tesoro mio" he said in a sultry voice.

"What are you doing" I panted my eyes travelling towards his bee stung lips.

"Tasting you" he said coming closer to bite my bottom lip.

"And right now you taste too good to let go" covering my lips with his, he plunged his tongue in my mouth playing with each other.

Suddenly he grabs both my thighs, lifting me up, moving me towards the bed. His lips never left mine as he placed me down.

Donatello began trailing his mouth all the way down to the crook of my neck, nipping and sucking making his way up bruising every part of me.

Firm hands began roaming my body, moving up and down, until they lay on my breast kneading them as he sucked ever part of my neck.

I whimper escape my mouth, I bit my bottom lip from embarrassment.

Donatello tweaked my nipples, causing more noises to appear but I tried as best I could to muffle them.

"Don't think about hiding those noises from me" he squeezed harder on my nipple, causing my back to arch at the sensation.

Untying the belt that held my robe,He lowered his lips towards my chest latching onto my breast.His tongue began flicking my nipple, I squeezed my thigh from the sensation ignoring my pool of arousal.

One of Donatello's hands ran down my leg, making its way up to the apex of my thighs. Sliding two fingers between my folds, I released a moan unable to hide the amount of pleasure I was feeling at this moment.

His fingers began nudging my entrance, teasing me with his thumb on my clit. I lifted my hips encouraging him.

"You want my fingers inside you?" his voice deep.

Closing my eyes, I nodded my head unable to meet his gaze.

"Look at me and say it" pressing his thumb harder on my clit, stimulating more pleasure a small moan released from my lips.

Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with his cold blue ones. " I want your fingers inside me" it was barely a whisper.

He slowly began moving his fingers inside me taking his sweet time, I let out a frustrated noise urging him to move faster. "So needy" he laughed on my neck.

He picked up the pace, my back arched deeper off the bed.

Thrusting in and out, I couldn't think properly from the raw pleasure I was feeling. Not once had Jeremy made me feel this way, always concentrated on his own pleasure then mine.

I could feel me getting closer of the edge, until Donatello removed his fingers. Letting out a annoyed sound, I opened my eyes to find Donatello no longer beside me but standing up unbuttoning his shirt.

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