Chapter 17

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Donatello POV:
I sat there watching her leave, not knowing what the fuck just happened. One minute we'd been planning that stupid game and the next thing I know I had my fingers deep inside of her.

Do I regret what happened. Absolutely fucking not. I enjoyed every moment of it. The sounds she made every time I plunged deeper and deeper made my cock throb.

I had agreed with myself not to touch her or even acknowledge her today, but when those innocent eyes locked with mine luring me in to her trap, I willingly went. I gave her the keys and she locked me up.

I was screwed.

I took a shower after, trying to find my own release, imaging her body, the way her tits perfectly fit in my palms and how she rode my finger as if it was my dick. It only took a few pumps until I was gasping.

I didn't see her the next morning and didn't bother asking Lucia either. Nothing good would ever come out of this so it would be best to forget that she was ever here or maybe I could send her back.
No. I couldn't do the second part.

Lucia and I sat down eating breakfast. She would normally tell me stories about the girls in her school and the gossip that surrounded them, I never listened but today she was quite too quite for my liking.

"Lucia" I said scrolling through my iPad looking at the news. No answer.

"Lucia" repeating my self still getting no response. My nose flared hating that she was giving me the silent treatment. " this act can't last forever you know".

"It won't" finally speaking. " but what I don't understand is why Antonio can't train me anymore?"

" because I don't like it"

"What don't you like exactly, brother" she was mad. The only time she calls me brother is either she wants something or she raging and right now I'm guessing the latter.

"I'm not going to explain to you everything I do" I said putting the IPad down. "It's for the best".

She scoffed " yeah right".

"Why do you keep Aleena here" Lucia carried on. " you know I can look after myself. Why is she here?"

This time I began ignoring her. Knowing her questions won't stop coming I got up heading towards my room.

It was still early, but right now would be a great time to get shit done.

Aleena POV:
I stayed in my room, being the coward that I am, I didn't want to face Donatello today or ever.

I didn't mean it to go that far last night. He just appeared stressed that night and I wanted to ease his body but never In that way.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I wasn't embarrassed or ashamed, so why couldn't I walk down those stairs and face him?

When I heard the front doors open and close, I decided to leave the room. A bit of relief swarmed my body. Maybe later we could talk about it but now wasn't the right time.

Lucia was sitting down still eating her breakfast when I walked in the small dining room. Her mouth stuffed with eggs and bacon.

She gave me a full smile as I walked to sit next to her " morning" she chirped

"Morning Lucia" I said returning the smile.

She swivelled to the side of her chair to face me. "I was thinking we could look for dresses for my birthday".

"It's your birthday?"

"Well there's still a month left but Donatello is throwing a huge party. Welcoming me into there world" she didn't at all seem happy about it.

"You don't want to be apart of his world?" I rose my brow puzzled.

Lucia shook her head " I never did"

"Well what do you want" I said placing my hand on top of hers.

" I want to paint" she said shyly as if it was something embarrassing.

"That's great!!" I reassured her. " you should show me your work"

Lucia released a small giggle "one day".

"And what is it you want to do for your birthday?" I questioned her.

She shrugged giving me an unsure expression, as if she didn't know what she wanted, no matter what it is.

"I want a small party with everyone, I know before he pushes me into his den of predators"

"Well" I said grabbing a piece of toast from the centre " I think we should start planning don't you think" taking a bite.

"Donatello won't allow it"

" don't worry about him I'll speak to him" until I had the balls to do it.

We both headed upstairs towards her room. Deciding to look at dresses for her upcoming party. We even decided to plan a small one just between family because she wanted one day when they were all together which I thought was sweet.

"Do you think my brother will marry her?" Lucia asked munching on a piece of chocolate.

The question took me by surprise, even though it shouldn't have.

"I don't know" I answered plainly, not wanting to continue this conversation.

"If he does maybe he can get out of your hair and let you go home" she finished, typing away on her laptop.

I didn't think she meant it in a hurtful way, but it still stung. Maybe I should be glad, if he married her she'd want me gone and I'd be back on the next flight to last Vegas. Yet why did it hurt?

I waited for Donatello to return home from where ever he went.

I didn't know what I was going to say to him, all that I knew was that I wanted to see him. I felt excited for whatever reason, my heart began to race and I didn't know what to do with my hands.

I heard the door open from the living room and stayed in my seat watching whatever was on I wasn't paying attention.

I heard his footsteps coming to a halt when he noticed a was in here. "What are you doing awake?" It was 1am.

" I was thinking..." I said standing up moving towards him.

"What were you thinking?" He rose his brow.

"That I could return the favour".

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