Chapter 16

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I heard a click behind me. I didn't dare turn around so I continued to walk towards the chair I sat in last time.

The memory of what happened here last immediately flooded my mind. The way Donatello's lips felt on mine. Him biting and sucking my neck while he began grinding.

My cheeks reddened at the memory.

I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer until I felt the brush of his chest. I turned around, looking up to meet Donatello's Ice stare.

"I was thinking we could have a game today" I gulped. Finding it harder to speak.

His lips twitched " so eager to leave Tesoro mio". He whispered. I could hear the irritation in his words.

"Yes" I huffed "but not today".

His left brow rose "oh and what are you suggesting". Donatello began sweeping my bottom lip with his thumb. " how about snap?" I said breathing out.

He paused, he looked up from my lips. A smile forming "snap" he said letting out a deep chuckle that caused my insides to dance. " and what are the stakes. Your freedom not included" Donatello said the last sentence in a cold voice.

"Whatever we want" I mustered enough strength. "Anything?"

"Anything" I repeated. Donatello trailed his hand down my neck stopping near my chest. He slowly swiped two fingers towards my arms giving me the image of those fingers between my legs.

I let out a shiver.

He trailed all the way down until he reached my wrist wrapping his hand around it. He moved me towards the chair, inviting me sit down.

Donatello moved towards a cabinet and grabbed a pack of plain cards.

He walked back to the chair across from mine placing the stack on the coffee table before rolling his sleeve revealing the veins that popped out of his arm, beginning to shuffle  his eyes always on me.

"You do know how to play right" I teased. He looked at me amused "yes Tesoro mio, I do". He began handing out the cards, shaking his head in delight. The tension from earlier simmering.

We began playing, placing one card on top of each other. It took a while before I yelled "SNAP!!" A bit too excited. Donatello leaned back spreading his legs wider, his eyes danced with glee while his face remained stern.

"What is it that you want" he asked. I sat there in silence before I asked "What did he want, Viktor I mean".

He instantly stiffened narrowing his eyes " it's private drop it".

"Why" I questioned. "Aleena" he gritted "". I let out a long sigh returning to the game.

"Snap" Donatello said less enthusiastically. He slowly looked up, his eyes piercing my skin.

" I want your earrings" he simply said before getting up towards me.

I began taking them off when I felt his hands on mine, leaning in he whispered " let me do it". I slowly moved my hands away resting them on my lap.

He took his time taking them off, feeling his hot breath on my neck I wanted to lean closer, to feel his lips on my neck.

He moved towards the next one taking his time. his lips slightly grazed my cheek while he slowly pulled them out.

He finally got up and returned to his seat. I took a few deep breathes before we carried on with the game.

He'd won again. This time asking for my necklace, but instead of coming to get it. He had told me to walk towards him. "Sit on my lap so I can reach".  Donatello said looking down. I stared at him for a while, taking my time sitting down.

His fingers brushed my hair away causing the small hairs on the back of my neck to stand. He began placing gentle kisses at the back of my neck surprising me at first but I didn't stop him. I tilted my head giving him more access.

He trailed his fingers on the necklace finding the clasp. Releasing the necklace letting it fall between my breasts.

I look down watching it fall. My thoughts were all over the place.

I had no idea what had gotten over me when I asked "aren't you going to get that". Leaning in closer and closer to his kisses. " maybe I will". Donatello's  murmured on my skin his hands moving towards my straps, slipping them off and letting them fall.

I realised wasn't wearing a bra, my breasts were exposed, Feeling the cool breeze hit them causing them to harden. I let out a small gasp when I felt him trail down grabbing the necklace near my stomach feeling the cool metal as he moved it up my body making sure it hit my skin then my right breast.

The feel of it on my sensitive pebble turning me on more.

I slightly turned to face him, he looked like he wanted no needed this to happen. So I carefully leaned towards his lips. He let a small sigh before he began working. After only a few seconds of soft kisses they clashed into each other. It was a hungry kiss. Nothing passionate just pure predatory.

"Fuck" I heard him moan biting my bottom lip. His hands moved up cupping my breasts as I  let out a small whimper.

He began kneading them circling the pebbles with his thumbs, grinding his erection on my ass. I began moving my hips to the rhythm. A groan releasing from his lips.

He left my breasts moving to my thighs slowly taking his time climbing up towards the pool of my arousal. He trailed all the way towards my clit, pressing his thumb hard on it. my head fell back resting on his shoulder trying to wrap my head around what was going on.

His lips moved to my neck giving it attention as he sucked and nipped under my ear. Everything about this felt so wrong yet so right at the same time.

His thumb began circling around. A small unusual sound escaped my mouth as he began picking up the pace. I wanted more yet I wanted to slap him across the face.

He nudged my panties to side sliding two fingers between the fold "fuck, your so wet". He said lowering towards my entrance. "How long have you been wet for me?" He questioned as if I could reply. When I didn't he stopped. What?? "how long" he growled in my ear.

I began panting a silent plea to carry on "Since you locked the door" I barely let out.

Wanting him to carry on I began making circular movements while his thumb pressed my clit. " so needy" he whispered nipping my ear lobe.

" what do you want" he grabbed my hip tight so I couldn't move. I let out a whimpered noise. "Say it" he demanded my head still leaning against his shoulder.

"You. I want you" that was all he needed plugging two fingers inside me. I let out a loud moan from the impact. Trying to adjust myself on his fingers.

He began thrusting his fingers in and out not stopping once sometimes he would slow down and sometimes he would pick up the pace.

I began riding his hand trying to chase my release. He curved his fingers making me lose my mind. My eyes rolling at the back of my head feeling the orgasm build up.

"Come for me" he demanded in my ear.

That was the last thing I heard before I shattered into tiny pieces. I bit my lip to try and muffle the noises but Donatello opened my mouth with his tongue going in for a kiss.

After a while of us trying to catch our breathes. Donatello gently pulled out his fingers, I slightly winced. "Are you ok?" He asked.

I nodded slowly getting up to readjust my dress watching him as he watched me.

Without any other word, i walked towards the door, unlocking it and heading towards my room not once looking back.

I'm fucked.

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