Chapter 35

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Aleena's POV:

I walked out mumbling to myself my head uncontrollably shaking either from despair or the anger that I felt towards him.

My body halted spotting Lucia sat on the stair case biting her finger nail when I approached her. He face a pale grim colour whilst she stared at the floor in front of her.

"Lucia" I rose my brow in concern. She didn't look well, she looked frightened. "Lucia" I spoke louder, finally getting her attention.

Her head whipped in my direction. Tears marked her cheeks causing her make up to smudge.

I walked to sit besides her. As I did that she began to break again, her tears endlessly flowing out of her eyes "I did something bad" she hiccuped through her pain.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault" she kept repeating to herself more than me just as she shook her head with disbelief.

"What did you do" I whispered hugging her torso trying my best to comfort her as much as possible.

"She told me if I told her everything we'll be fine, but she lied" she murmured in my chest gripping onto my arms.

"Lucia, who lied?"

She only shook her head "I'll die too if I told you"

My body stilled for a moment "who's going to die" my voice grew urgent this time "Lucia you need to tell me who-"

"There you are my dear, I've been looking everywhere" her mother interrupted and my eyes instantly narrowed at her. A grin so wide etched her face and it instantly hit me. Then it all made sense. The awkwardness between her and her mother, the secret phone calls, meetings.

"Why don't you go and wipe your face and come back so it doesn't look like you've been crying" I instructed her. Lucia hesitated for a moment but eventually inclined her head and walked up to her room.

I stood up to face her mother "I know what you're planning" my nose flared.

"And what would that be dear?" He grin grew into an ugly snarl.

"You're a sick bitch you know that, you're going to ruin Donatello aren't you" I couldn't believe those words left my mind, but that's exactly what she was planning to do.

"What kind a mother do you think I am" she almost spat pure rage marked her features, but it wasn't from my insinuation, it was because I was right.

"A mother who would be twisted enough to murder her own children. Honestly I don't understand why you choose to have kids in the first place"

"But you're wrong I do love my children, just not the ones I sprouted from a bastard. Don't act surprised I knew you were peaking that day at the library"

My eyes grew wide "how could you be so cruel to turn your back on them? don't worry you'll get what's coming to you when I tell him" I turned to find Donatello again but in front of me stood Viktor.

"Oh, I don't think that's wise my precious" he chuckled "we don't want a little bird spilling our secrets now do we" Viktor announced moving a step closer towards me. I couldn't move, I was utterly stuck.

Before I had the chance to run, something solid hit the back of my head and I was out cold.

Donatello's POV:

I returned back to the party from that cluster fuck I was left in after Aleena had left. I fucked things up between the little thing we had and it was bad.

The cheers and applause from around the room, was nothing compared to the sound of my beating chest, I was going to clear things up with her and I was going to tell her tonight.

Lucia approached me, her all too fake smile lit up her face. She was crying, I could tell by the puffiness of her eyes or how she could barely keep them open.

"Are you alright?" I leaned in to whisper.

She nodded whilst she smiled at guests walking past "have you seen Aleena?" She wondered causing my body to stiffen. I hadn't seen her since we were both in the gaming room and that was nearly an hour ago.

My mother clanked her champagne glass getting everyone's attention "I just want to make a quick speech before the night ends" she announced "first of all I want to welcome our new member to the family, Nadya" everyone awkwardly cheered. I wasn't surprised by the awkwardness because she was our enemy so I wouldn't blame them.

"Next thing I want to say is, welcome to new beginnings" the room erupted with applauds as guests began grabbing their coats and clutches preparing to leave.

My eyes constantly scanned the room, trying to find that all too familiar face, but it was no where to be seen.

Once the last of the guests left, Viktor and Nadya stood besides the door waiting to depart. With a single nod and a menacing smile from Viktor they left.

"I'm going to bed" Lucia announced placing a light kiss on my cheek. I patted her head "tell Aleena I would like a word with her"

"Why don't you just come up" she instructed and I nodded following her up the flight of stares. My mind filled with all the ways I could pile this on her without her having to threaten me with her leaving.

I waited outside for her, but when Lucia returned, her face turned anxious with worry that it caused my brows to furrow together. "What is it"

"She's not here".

I tried calling my temper as I looked at Lucia "she's around somewhere, go get some sleep"
We said our goodbyes and she slipped into her room without a second glance.

My legs started to move, checking each guest room but she wasn't in them. Anger coiled with worry flooded my path with each empty room I opened.

I made my way downstairs checking every space possible, but no body occupied the seats, no low murmurs echoed the corridors. It was completely empty.

"FUCK" I yelled to myself.

she couldn't have gone far or anywhere "ALEENA" no answer.

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