Chapter 30

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Aleena's POV:

Once we had properly washed ourself, me and Donatello made our way to the dining room where Lucia sat across from her mother looking down at the plate in front of her.

"Good morning" I chirped to no one in particular, because it was a good morning indeed.

Morning sex was a good way to start of the day, even if there was a specific some one evil eyeing me up and down.

I turned to face Donatello but his eyes were focused on his mother. A cold breeze swept between them as he crept towards his seat.

Moving passed him, I moved to my normal seat next to Lucia. Giving her a reassuring smile to her glum one, I picked up my plate and filled it with pastries.

The room unbelievably stiff with silence.

Donatello's POV:

I stayed no longer than 10 minutes at home, unable to control the rage that bore in me for my mother.

Driving towards the club, I parked and walked inside, finding Miguel waiting for me at the entrance holding his daughters hand.

I arched my brow in question. He was the type to do something like this, I wasn't surprised.

Heading towards them, I patted his daughter in the head as a way of greeting "hello lulu".

She gave me a sloppy smile her hands and face covered in chocolate "h..h..hello Uncle D..Donatello" she ticked.

"Lulu take your time" Miguel instructed her, picking her up.

His daughter was diagnosed with Tourette's at the age of three, at first he didn't know what to think of it but with time he learnt to live with it and loved her more than he already did.

I smiled at her moving my gaze to Miguel who seemed to be wiping her face with some wipes he magically pulled out.

"Well?" I asked.

He instructed me inside walking up to my office. Avoiding all the greetings we were given.

Miguel locked the door behind him, placing his daughter in front of the T.V that lay in the far corner in my office. He moved me aside from my desk, logging in to the computer.

"At fist we thought nothing of it" he clicked on a file "but it made no sense where she'd get it" talking more to himself then me.

"Miguel, use your words" I grumbled watching as he opened a file of bank statements?

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"There's no name on the transactions" he pointed at the screen. "Usually when someone transfers money a name appears but here it's blank".

"I wouldn't think your father left her any money in his will" carrying on " but if it was him you'd get a notification from the bank and his name written all over it. What's confusing is where she's getting the money from?"

I sat down in my chair rubbing my jaw trying to process the information he was giving me, he visit was deeper then I thought it would be.

At first I thought it was for money, but I was wrong.

"How about her medical records? Did you find anything there?"

"Her files empty, the one we know of anyways"

Well shit

Aleena's POV

"I miss you too"

I heard from the library as I walked passed. I couldn't help the curiosity that lurked at the back of my mind.

Slowly stepping back, I looked through the small crack finding Lucia's mother on the phone.

"It's harder than I thought" she carried on. "Fra-, yes I know and I'll do it. No not yet"

Who was she talking too. The conversation seemed intense from where I stood. She moved back and forth biting her nail as if anticipating something to happen.

"I promise" she whispered " now let me speak to them"

"Hello angels" her voice calmed when she heard the voice on the other line. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be home soon"

So she didn't plan on staying like I had thought. I leaned in closer, trying to hear better.

"Mommy loves you too" ending the call.

My mouth slacked open, placing my hands on top to avoid any sound. She has other children. Was my instant thought. Not the fact she is plotting something, but the fact she has a family besides this.

I heard footsteps approaching and instantly ran to find Lucia. Needing to make sure she was fine.

I wouldn't tell her what I heard or Donatello until I had enough proof or anything that was remotely useful to justify what I heard.

Looking around the house, I found her in a small room, her clothes and face covered with paint. Lucia looked too deep in concentrations, I decided I wouldn't disturb her.

It was time for dinner and Donatello hadn't arrived yet from where ever he went. He was rarely at home even more so since his mother had arrived.

The clock ticked 8pm and we all remained seated eating the food in front of us. Lucia was her distant self through out these past few weeks and her mother just as cold as she was the moment she stepped in.

The quietness made me itch. I never liked the quiet atmosphere always remaining me of home ever since my mother married Salvatore.

They would always forget my existence when we were eating together as if I was some annoying fly around them.

I hated it.

The door slammed shut from the foyer and we instantly turned our heads to the sound of footsteps heading towards us.

Donatello stood in front of us in his glorious form, his white sleeves rolled up to his forearm and his hair dishevelled. I couldn't help but admire him.

A stoic look marked his face as his eyes roamed the room finally landing on mine.

"I have decided" he announced to everyone however his eyes never left mine.

" I've decided to agree to viktors contract" he paused for a second, I knew it was coming. I could feel the blow from those small words that left him next "I'm going to marry Nadya".

There it was.

The small words that shattered my heart into small blisters on the floor.

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