Chapter 39

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Nadya POV:

I placed the small child in the care of my personal maid and instructed her when the clock reaches 6pm to meet us at the airport.

Giving her a list of careful instructions making sure that no one discovers my plan. She nodded in understanding holding the baby as tightly possible.

"Make sure my brother or his guards suspect a thing when you leave, the servants door is your best option. There will be a man waiting to escort you out. Make sure you hide that babe as much as possible do you understand" I carried out.

"Yes ma'am" she blankly replied rocking the small child's gentle body back and forth.

Giving the room one more turn, i placed two guns in my bag and the silencer. I placed an extra one at the back on my jeans just in case I lost the other two.

I eventually made it to the warehouse where they had been keeping Aleena in and before I got out of my car I pulled out a gun and screwed the silencer on.

A man with a weapon slugged to his side as he walked his way around the perimeter.

I made sure to keep the car far as possible. Luckily for me there weren't much that guarded her, maybe three or four. But right now In front of me only two men appeared.

I walked up to the first guard the furthest away from everyone. He wasn't going to react to her being her because she was supposedly on their side and came for a visit.

The guard nodded at me before turning around and then did i decide to strike, aiming for his head to speed up the process.

His body slumped to the floor creating a big thump but I prayed that the others didn't here. I waited a couple of minutes to make sure no one appeared and when it was clear I moved closer to the warehouse.

When I arrived only one stood at the door which was odd seen as though there was always two but I brushed it off in the moment.

"Miss" he bowed his head but I didn't give him time to raise it up before I put two holes in his bold head.

His body fell in front of the door and I scrunched my nose having to step over the thing.

Once I made it in I looked for anymore of my brothers guard but found none and made my way towards Aleena.

Her almost frail body Quacked whilst I walked her way "get up we're going" I commanded. She gave me a confused look.

"What about my son" her voice dry.

"We're meeting him in the airport, don't worry he's safe with someone"

"How do I know you aren't laying to me" she questioned, her face was uneasy. Was I hurt that she didn't trust me, not at all, actually I was quite proud she hadn't.

"Look do you want to get out here or not" I grumbled afraid someone would come in at any moment.

I grabbed her forearm not bothered for an answer and dragged her up, she let out a Yelp as she wobbled on her feet.

"Take this" I shoved a gun in her hands. Her eyes widened at the weapon and I couldn't stop the roll in my eyes.

"You want me to kill someone" she whisper yelled and her questions began to agitated my nerves "if it comes to that then yes, now stop asking questions and follow me"

We walked outside into the clear sky, I paused for a moment to let Aleena adjust to the light, she hadn't been out of that damned thing for over a year so I let her body adjust to it.

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